dplyr (version 0.5.0)

sample: Sample n rows from a table.


This is a wrapper around sample.int to make it easy to select random rows from a table. It currently only works for local tbls.


sample_n(tbl, size, replace = FALSE, weight = NULL, .env = parent.frame())

sample_frac(tbl, size = 1, replace = FALSE, weight = NULL, .env = parent.frame())



tbl of data.


For sample_n, the number of rows to select. For sample_frac, the fraction of rows to select. If tbl is grouped, size applies to each group.


Sample with or without replacement?


Sampling weights. This expression is evaluated in the context of the data frame. It must return a vector of non-negative numbers the same length as the input. Weights are automatically standardised to sum to 1.


Environment in which to look for non-data names used in weight. Non-default settings for experts only.


Run this code
by_cyl <- mtcars %>% group_by(cyl)

# Sample fixed number per group
sample_n(mtcars, 10)
sample_n(mtcars, 50, replace = TRUE)
sample_n(mtcars, 10, weight = mpg)

sample_n(by_cyl, 3)
sample_n(by_cyl, 10, replace = TRUE)
sample_n(by_cyl, 3, weight = mpg / mean(mpg))

# Sample fixed fraction per group
# Default is to sample all data = randomly resample rows

sample_frac(mtcars, 0.1)
sample_frac(mtcars, 1.5, replace = TRUE)
sample_frac(mtcars, 0.1, weight = 1 / mpg)

sample_frac(by_cyl, 0.2)
sample_frac(by_cyl, 1, replace = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab