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R.rsp (version 0.7.1)

Dynamic generation of scientific reports


An RSP document is a text-based document containing an R-embedded template of the final document, e.g. "Today's date is <%=Sys.Date()%>". An RSP document is preprocessed, parsed and translated into an R script, which when sourced generates the final document. This way it is possible to dynamically generate reports in plain text, HTML, TeX etc, e.g. "\includegraphics{<%=toPDF('Normal', { curve(dnorm, from=-5, to=+5) })%>}". It can also be used to enhance other literate programming languages such as Sweave, e.g. "<>>= [...] @". As explained in one of the vignettes, RSP-embedded LaTeX vignettes can easily be included in any R package. In addition to RSP, this package also provides an internal cross-platform web server and built-in dynamic RSP-embedded HTML help pages, which can be launched by browseRsp(). If other packages provide RSP help pages, these are automatically linked to as well.

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LGPL (>= 2.1)

Last Published

January 12th, 2012

Functions in R.rsp (0.7.1)