entropart (version 1.4-6)

AlphaEntropy: Reduced-bias alpha entropy of a metacommunity


Calculates the reduced-bias total alpha entropy of order $q$ of communities.


AlphaEntropy(MC, q = 1, Correction = "Best", Tree = NULL, Normalize = TRUE, Z = NULL, CheckArguments = TRUE)


A MetaCommunity object.
A number: the order of diversity. Default is 1 for Shannon entropy.
A string containing one of the possible corrections accepted by the bias-corrected entropy function (see details) or "None" or "Best", the default value.
An object of class hclust or phylog. The tree must be ultrametric.
If TRUE (default), the entropy returned by the function is normalized by the height of the tree (it is the weighted average value of the entropy in each slice). If FALSE, it is the unnormalized weighted sum of the results.
A relatedness matrix, i.e. a square matrix whose terms are all positive, strictly positive on the diagonal. Generally, the matrix is a similarity matrix, i.e. the diagonal terms equal 1 and other terms are between 0 and 1.
Logical; if TRUE, the function arguments are verified. Should be set to FALSE to save time when the arguments have been checked elsewhere.


An MCentropy object containing entropy values of each community and of the metacommunity.


If Tree is not NULL, then phylogenetic entropy is calculated by bcPhyloEntropy; else, if Z is not NULL, then similarity-based entropy is calculated by bcHqz; else, neutral entropy is calculated by bcTsallis. The alpha entropy of each community is calculated and summed according to community weights. The possible corrections are detailed in Tsallis.


Marcon, E., Scotti, I., Herault, B., Rossi, V. and Lang, G. (2014). Generalization of the partitioning of Shannon diversity. PLOS One 9(3): e90289. Marcon, E., Herault, B. (2015). Decomposing Phylodiversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6(3): 333-339.

Marcon, E., Zhang, Z. and Herault, B. (2014). The decomposition of similarity-based diversity and its bias correction. HAL hal-00989454(version 1).

See Also



Run this code
  # Load Paracou data (number of trees per species in two 1-ha plot of a tropical forest)
  # Calculate Simpson alpha entropy
  summary(AlphaEntropy(Paracou618.MC, 2))
  # Compare without correction
  summary(AlphaEntropy(Paracou618.MC, 2, Correction = "None"))
  # Estimate phylogenetic Simpson alpha entropy
  summary(AlphaEntropy(Paracou618.MC, 2, Tree = Paracou618.Taxonomy) -> e)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab