gargle (version 0.1.3)

AuthState-class: Authorization state


An AuthState object manages an authorization state, typically on behalf of a client package that makes requests to a Google API. This state is incorporated into the package's requests for tokens and controls the inclusion of tokens in requests to the target API:

  • api_key is the simplest way to associate a request with a specific Google Cloud Platform project. A few calls to certain APIs, e.g. reading a public Sheet, can succeed with an API key, but this is the exception.

  • app is an OAuth app associated with a specific Google Cloud Platform project. This is used in the OAuth flow, in which an authenticated user authorizes the app to access or manipulate data on their behalf.

  • auth_active reflects whether outgoing requests will be authorized by an authenticated user or are unauthorized requests for public resources. These two states correspond to sending a request with a token versus an API key, respectively.

  • cred is where the current token is cached within a session, once one has been fetched. It is generally assumed to be an instance of httr::TokenServiceAccount or httr::Token2.0 (or a subclass thereof), probably obtained via token_fetch() (or one of its constituent credential fetching functions). An AuthState should be created through the constructor function init_AuthState().





An R6 class object.