distr (version 2.1.3)

EuclideanSpace-class: Class "EuclideanSpace"


The distribution-classes contain a slot where the sample space is stored. One typical sample space is the Euclidean Space in dimension k.


EuclideanSpace(dimension = 1)


positive integer: dimension of the Euclidean space (default =1)

Objects from the Class

Objects could theoretically be created by calls of the form new("EuclideanSpace", dimension, name). Usually an object of this class is not needed on its own. EuclideanSpace is the mother-class of the class Reals, which is generated automatically when a univariate absolutly continuous distribution is instantiated.


Class "rSpace", directly.


  • space
  • set
  • S4 space class

See Also

rSpace-class Reals-class Distribution-class liesIn-methods


Run this code
E <- EuclideanSpace(dimension = 2) 
dimension(E) # The dimension of this space is 2.
dimension(E) <- 3 # The dimension of this space is now 3.
liesIn(E,c(0,0,0)) # TRUE
liesIn(E,c(0,0)) # FALSE

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