RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GtkNotebook: GtkNotebook


A tabbed notebook container


Methods and Functions

gtkNotebookNew(show = TRUE) gtkNotebookAppendPage(object, child, tab.label = NULL) gtkNotebookAppendPageMenu(object, child, tab.label = NULL, menu.label = NULL) gtkNotebookPrependPage(object, child, tab.label = NULL) gtkNotebookPrependPageMenu(object, child, tab.label = NULL, menu.label = NULL) gtkNotebookInsertPage(object, child, tab.label = NULL, position = -1) gtkNotebookInsertPageMenu(object, child, tab.label = NULL, menu.label = NULL, position = -1) gtkNotebookRemovePage(object, page.num) gtkNotebookPageNum(object, child) gtkNotebookNextPage(object) gtkNotebookPrevPage(object) gtkNotebookReorderChild(object, child, position) gtkNotebookSetTabPos(object, pos) gtkNotebookSetShowTabs(object, show.tabs) gtkNotebookSetShowBorder(object, show.border) gtkNotebookSetScrollable(object, scrollable) gtkNotebookSetTabBorder(object, border.width) gtkNotebookPopupEnable(object) gtkNotebookPopupDisable(object) gtkNotebookGetCurrentPage(object) gtkNotebookGetMenuLabel(object, child) gtkNotebookGetNthPage(object, page.num) gtkNotebookGetNPages(object) gtkNotebookGetTabLabel(object, child) gtkNotebookQueryTabLabelPacking(object, child) gtkNotebookSetHomogeneousTabs(object, homogeneous) gtkNotebookSetMenuLabel(object, child, menu.label = NULL) gtkNotebookSetMenuLabelText(object, child, menu.text) gtkNotebookSetTabHborder(object, tab.hborder) gtkNotebookSetTabLabel(object, child, tab.label = NULL) gtkNotebookSetTabLabelPacking(object, child, expand, fill, pack.type) gtkNotebookSetTabLabelText(object, child, tab.text) gtkNotebookSetTabVborder(object, tab.vborder) gtkNotebookSetTabReorderable(object, child, reorderable) gtkNotebookSetTabDetachable(object, child, detachable) gtkNotebookGetMenuLabelText(object, child) gtkNotebookGetScrollable(object) gtkNotebookGetShowBorder(object) gtkNotebookGetShowTabs(object) gtkNotebookGetTabLabelText(object, child) gtkNotebookGetTabPos(object) gtkNotebookGetTabReorderable(object, child) gtkNotebookGetTabDetachable(object, child) gtkNotebookSetCurrentPage(object, page.num) gtkNotebookSetGroupId(object, group.id) gtkNotebookSetGroupId(object, group.id) gtkNotebookGetGroupId(object) gtkNotebookGetGroupId(object) gtkNotebookSetGroup(object, group) gtkNotebookGetGroup(object) gtkNotebookSetActionWidget(object, widget, pack.type) gtkNotebookGetActionWidget(object, pack.type) gtkNotebookSetWindowCreationHook(func, data) gtkNotebook(show = TRUE)




GtkNotebook implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.

Detailed Description

The GtkNotebook widget is a GtkContainer whose children are pages that can be switched between using tab labels along one edge. There are many configuration options for GtkNotebook. Among other things, you can choose on which edge the tabs appear (see gtkNotebookSetTabPos), whether, if there are too many tabs to fit the notebook should be made bigger or scrolling arrows added (see gtk_notebook_set_scrollable), and whether there will be a popup menu allowing the users to switch pages. (see gtkNotebookPopupEnable, gtkNotebookPopupDisable)

GtkNotebook as GtkBuildable

The GtkNoteboopk implementation of the GtkBuildable interface supports placing children into tabs by specifying "tab" as the "type" attribute of a element. Note that the content of the tab must be created before the tab can be filled. A tab child can be specified without specifying a type attribute. To add a child widget in the notebooks action area, specify "action-start" or "action-end" as the "type" attribute of the element. A UI definition fragment with GtkNotebook



Convenient Construction

gtkNotebook is the equivalent of gtkNotebookNew.

User Functions


change-current-page(notebook, user.data)
the object which received the signal.
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
create-window(notebook, page, x, y, user.data)
The ::create-window signal is emitted when a detachable tab is dropped on the root window. A handler for this signal can create a window containing a notebook where the tab will be attached. It is also responsible for moving/resizing the window and adding the necessary properties to the notebook (e.g. the "group-id" ). The default handler uses the global window creation hook, if one has been set with gtkNotebookSetWindowCreationHook. Since 2.12
the GtkNotebook emitting the signal
the tab of notebook that is being detached
the X coordinate where the drop happens
the Y coordinate where the drop happens
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
Returns: [GtkNotebook] a GtkNotebook that page should be added to, or NULL.
focus-tab(notebook, user.data)
the object which received the signal.
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
move-focus-out(notebook, user.data)
the object which received the signal.
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
page-added(notebook, child, page.num, user.data)
the ::page-added signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is added to the notebook. Since 2.10
the GtkNotebook
the child GtkWidget affected
the new page number for child
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
page-removed(notebook, child, page.num, user.data)
the ::page-removed signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is removed from the notebook. Since 2.10
the GtkNotebook
the child GtkWidget affected
the child page number
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
page-reordered(notebook, child, page.num, user.data)
the ::page-reordered signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page has been reordered. Since 2.10
the GtkNotebook
the child GtkWidget affected
the new page number for child
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
reorder-tab(notebook, user.data)
the object which received the signal.
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
select-page(notebook, user.data)
the object which received the signal.
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
switch-page(notebook, page, page.num, user.data)
Emitted when the user or a function changes the current page.
the object which received the signal.
the new current page
the index of the page
user data set when the signal handler was connected.


enable-popup [logical : Read / Write]
If TRUE, pressing the right mouse button on the notebook pops up a menu that you can use to go to a page. Default value: FALSE
group [R object : Read / Write]
Group for tabs drag and drop. Since 2.12
group-id [integer : Read / Write]
Group ID for tabs drag and drop. Allowed values: >= -1 Default value: -1
homogeneous [logical : Read / Write]
Whether tabs should have homogeneous sizes. Default value: FALSE
page [integer : Read / Write]
The index of the current page. Allowed values: >= -1 Default value: -1
scrollable [logical : Read / Write]
If TRUE, scroll arrows are added if there are too many tabs to fit. Default value: FALSE
show-border [logical : Read / Write]
Whether the border should be shown or not. Default value: TRUE
show-tabs [logical : Read / Write]
Whether tabs should be shown or not. Default value: TRUE
tab-border [numeric : Write]
Width of the border around the tab labels. Default value: 2
tab-hborder [numeric : Read / Write]
Width of the horizontal border of tab labels. Default value: 2
tab-pos [GtkPositionType : Read / Write]
Which side of the notebook holds the tabs. Default value: GTK_POS_TOP
tab-vborder [numeric : Read / Write]
Width of the vertical border of tab labels. Default value: 2

Style Properties

arrow-spacing [integer : Read]
The "arrow-spacing" property defines the spacing between the scroll arrows and the tabs. Allowed values: >= 0 Default value: 0 Since 2.10
has-backward-stepper [logical : Read]
The "has-backward-stepper" property determines whether the standard backward arrow button is displayed. Default value: TRUE Since 2.4
has-forward-stepper [logical : Read]
The "has-forward-stepper" property determines whether the standard forward arrow button is displayed. Default value: TRUE Since 2.4
has-secondary-backward-stepper [logical : Read]
The "has-secondary-backward-stepper" property determines whether a second backward arrow button is displayed on the opposite end of the tab area. Default value: FALSE Since 2.4
has-secondary-forward-stepper [logical : Read]
The "has-secondary-forward-stepper" property determines whether a second forward arrow button is displayed on the opposite end of the tab area. Default value: FALSE Since 2.4
tab-curvature [integer : Read]
The "tab-curvature" property defines size of tab curvature. Allowed values: >= 0 Default value: 1 Since 2.10
tab-overlap [integer : Read]
The "tab-overlap" property defines size of tab overlap area. Default value: 2 Since 2.10

