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spatstat (version 1.8-8)

Jmulti: Marked J Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the multitype $J$ function summarising dependence between the points in subset I and those in subset $J$.


Jmulti(X, I, J)
Jmulti(X, I, J, eps, r)
Jmulti(X, I, J, eps, breaks)


The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype distance distribution function $J_{IJ}(r)$ will be computed. It must be a marked point pattern. See under Details.
Subset of points of X from which distances are measured.
Subset of points in X to which distances are measured.
A positive number. The pixel resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see Jest). There is a sensible default.
numeric vector. The values of the argument $r$ at which the distribution function $J_{IJ}(r)$ should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important
An alternative to the argument r. Not normally invoked by the user. See the Details section.


  • An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

    Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns

  • rthe values of the argument $r$ at which the function $J_{IJ}(r)$ has been estimated
  • rsthe ``reduced sample'' or ``border correction'' estimator of $J_{IJ}(r)$
  • kmthe spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of $J_{IJ}(r)$
  • unthe uncorrected estimate of $J_{IJ}(r)$, formed by taking the ratio of uncorrected empirical estimators of $1 - G_{IJ}(r)$ and $1 - F_{J}(r)$, see Gdot and Fest.
  • theothe theoretical value of $J_{IJ}(r)$ for a marked Poisson process with the same estimated intensity, namely 1.


Jmulti(X, I, J, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL)


The function Jmulti generalises Jest (for unmarked point patterns) and Jdot and Jcross (for multitype point patterns) to arbitrary marked point patterns.

Suppose $X_I$, $X_J$ are subsets, possibly overlapping, of a marked point process. Define $$J_{IJ}(r) = \frac{1 - G_{IJ}(r)}{1 - F_J(r)}$$ where $F_J(r)$ is the cumulative distribution function of the distance from a fixed location to the nearest point of $X_J$, and $G_{IJ}(r)$ is the distribution function of the distance from a typical point of $X_I$ to the nearest distinct point of $X_J$.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp.

The arguments I and J specify two subsets of the point pattern. They may be logical vectors of length equal to X$n, or integer vectors with entries in the range 1 to X$n, etc.

It is assumed that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as X$window) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Jest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance $r$ at which $J_{IJ}(r)$ should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimators are computed from histogram counts. In the case of the Kaplan-Meier estimator this introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the successive entries of r must be finely spaced.


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511--532.

See Also

Jcross, Jdot, Jest


Run this code
     # Longleaf Pine data: marks represent diameter
    <testonly>longleaf <- longleaf[seq(1,longleaf$n, by=50), ]</testonly>
    Jm <- Jmulti(longleaf, longleaf$marks <= 15, longleaf$marks >= 25)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab