lgr (version 0.3.4)

LayoutFormat: Format Log Events as Text


Format a LogEvent as human readable text using format.LogEvent(), which provides a quick and easy way to customize log messages. If you need more control and flexibility, consider using LayoutGlue instead.



x <- LayoutFormat$new(fmt = "%L [%t] %m", timestamp_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d
  %H:%M:%OS3", colors = NULL, pad_levels = "right")

x$clone(deep = FALSE) x$format_event(event) x$set_colors(x) x$set_fmt(x) x$set_pad_levels(x) x$set_timestamp_fmt(x) x$toString()

x$colors x$fmt x$pad_levels x$timestamp_fmt

Creating a New LayoutFormat

A new LayoutFormat is instantiated with LayoutFormat$new(). For a description of the arguments to this function please refer to the Fields, and the documentation of format.LogEvent().



a character scalar containing format tokens. See format.LogEvent().


a character scalar. See base::format.POSIXct()


a named list of functions passed on on format.LogEvent()


right, left or NULL. See format.LogEvent()

Format Tokens

This is the same list of format tokens as for format.LogEvent()


The timestamp of the message, formatted according to timestamp_fmt)


the log level, lowercase character representation


the log level, uppercase character representation


the log level, first letter of lowercase character representation


the log level, first letter of uppercase character representation


the log level, integer representation


the PID (process ID). Useful when logging code that uses multiple threads.


the calling function


the log message


all custom fields of x in a pseudo-JSON like format that is optimized for human readability and console output


all custom fields of x in proper JSON. This requires that you have jsonlite installed and does not support colors as opposed to %f



format a LogEvent

See Also

Other Layouts: LayoutDbi, LayoutGlue, LayoutJson, Layout


Run this code
# setup a dummy LogEvent
event <- LogEvent$new(
  logger = Logger$new("dummy logger"),
  level = 200,
  timestamp = Sys.time(),
  caller = NA_character_,
  msg = "a test message"
lo <- LayoutFormat$new()

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab