Epi (version 0.7.0)

Lexis: Split follow-up time in cohort studies.


For cohort input data the follow-up time is chopped in pieces along several time scales, and a dataframe of follow-up intervals is returned. Entry and exit times are assumed to be in the same timescale (the input time scale).


Lexis( entry = 0,
      origin = 0,
       scale = 1,
     include = NULL,
        data = NULL )


Date of entry on the input timescale. Numerical variable.
Date of exit on the input timescale. Numerical variable.
Failure indicator.
Origin of the output timescale(s) on the input timescale. If for example the input timescale is calendar time and the output timescale is (current) age, the the origin is date of birth. If more than one timescale is used for splitting time
Scale of the output timescale(s) relative to the input timescale. Elements of the list must be named and have the same names as those in origin and breaks.
Points on the output scale where the follow-up is cut. If more than one timescale is used for splitting time this is a list. Elements of the list must be named and must have the same names as those in origin and scale
List of variables to carry unchanged from the original dataframe to the output dataframe.
Dataframe in which to interpret the arguments.


  • A dataframe with one row per follow-up interval, with the following variables:
  • ExpandA numerical vector with values in 1:nrows(data), pointing at the rows of the input data frame that is expanded to the output intervals.
  • EntryDate of entry for each interval. On the input time scale.
  • ExitDate of exit for each interval. On the input time scale.
  • FailExit status for each interval. Coded 0 for censoring, for the last follow-up interval for each person it takes the value of fail.
  • TimeIf origin, scale or breaks were given as vectors this gives the left endpoints of the intervals on the output scale. If origin, scale or breaks, were given as lists, there is no variable Time in the dataframe, instead variables with the same names as the list elements of these will be in the dataframe. The variables have values corresponding to the left endpoints of the intervals on the respective output time scales.
  • Finally, variables given in the argument include, values replicated across all intervals from each individual.


The data is assumed to be a dataframe describing the follow-up of a cohort, giving entry and exit time (on the input timescale) for each individual as well as the exit status (failure status, fail). The purpose of the function is to split each individual's follow-up time along a number of timescales for example age, calendar time, time since entry etc. Any follow-up time before the first break on any timescale or after the last break on any of these timescales (the output timescales) is discarded. NOTE: If a person has his/her exit before the first break or his entry after the last break on any of the timescales the function will crash.


This function has approximately the same functionality as stsplit in Stata and the SAS-macro %Lexis (http://www.biostat.ku.dk/~bxc/Lexis/Lexis.sas). It has been attempted to keep argument names similar between the three functions.

See Also



Run this code
# A small bogus cohort
xcoh <- structure( list( id = c("A", "B", "C"),
                      birth = c("14/07/1952", "01/04/1954", "10/06/1987"),
                      entry = c("04/08/1965", "08/09/1972", "23/12/1991"),
                       exit = c("27/06/1997", "23/05/1995", "24/07/1998"),
                       fail = c(1, 0, 1) ),
                     .Names = c("id", "birth", "entry", "exit", "fail"),
                  row.names = c("1", "2", "3"),
                      class = "data.frame" )

# Convert the character dates into numerical variables (fractional years)
xcoh$bt <- cal.yr( xcoh$birth, format="%d/%m/%Y" )
xcoh$en <- cal.yr( xcoh$entry, format="%d/%m/%Y" )
xcoh$ex <- cal.yr( xcoh$exit , format="%d/%m/%Y" )

# See how it looks

# Split time along one time-axis
Lexis( entry = en,
        exit = ex,
        fail = fail,
       scale = 1,
      origin = bt,
      breaks = seq( 5, 40, 5 ),
     include = list( bt, en, ex, id ),
        data = xcoh )

# Split time along two time-axes
( x2 <- 
Lexis( entry = en,
        exit = ex,
        fail = fail,
       scale = 1,
      origin = list( per=0,                 age=bt          ),
      breaks = list( per=seq(1900,2000,10), age=seq(0,80,5) ),
     include = list( bt, en, ex, id ),
        data = xcoh ) )

# Tabulate the cases and the person-years
tapply( x2$Fail, list( x2$age, x2$per ), sum )
tapply( x2$Exit - x2$Entry, list( x2$age, x2$per ), sum )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab