IRanges (version 2.6.0)

AtomicList: Lists of Atomic Vectors in Natural and Rle Form


An extension of List that holds only atomic vectors in either a natural or run-length encoded form.


Compare, Order, Tabulate

The following methods are provided for element-wise comparison of 2 AtomicList objects, and ordering or tabulating of each list element of an AtomicList object:, duplicated, unique, match, %in%, table, order, sort.


The lists of atomic vectors are LogicalList, IntegerList, NumericList, ComplexList, CharacterList, and RawList. There is also an RleList class for run-length encoded versions of these atomic vector types.

Each of the above mentioned classes is virtual with Compressed* and Simple* non-virtual representations.

See Also

  • AtomicList-utilsfor common operations on AtomicList objects.
  • Listobjects in theS4Vectorspackage for the parent class.


Run this code
int1 <- c(1L,2L,3L,5L,2L,8L)
int2 <- c(15L,45L,20L,1L,15L,100L,80L,5L)
collection <- IntegerList(int1, int2)

## names
names(collection) <- c("one", "two")
names(collection) <- NULL # clear names
names(collection) <- "one"
names(collection) # c("one", NA)

## extraction
collection[[1]] # range1
collection[["1"]] # NULL, does not exist
collection[["one"]] # range1
collection[[NA_integer_]] # NULL

## subsetting
collection[numeric()] # empty
collection[NULL] # empty
collection[] # identity
collection[c(TRUE, FALSE)] # first element
collection[2] # second element
collection[c(2,1)] # reversed
collection[-1] # drop first

## replacement
collection$one <- int2
collection[[2]] <- int1

## combining
col1 <- IntegerList(one = int1, int2)
col2 <- IntegerList(two = int2, one = int1)
col3 <- IntegerList(int2)
append(col1, col2)
append(col1, col2, 0)
col123 <- c(col1, col2, col3)

## revElements
revElements(col123, 4:5)

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