stream (version 1.2-3)

MGC: Moving Generator Cluster


Creates an evolving cluster for a DSD_MG.


MGC_Static(density, center, parameter, shape = NULL) MGC_Function(density, center, parameter, shape = NULL) MGC_Random(density, center, parameter, randomness = 1, shape = NULL) MGC_Noise(density, range)
MGC_Linear(dimension = 2, keyframelist = NULL, shape = NULL) keyframe(time, density, center, parameter, reset = FALSE) add_keyframe(x, time, density, center, parameter, reset = FALSE) get_keyframes(x) remove_keyframe(x, time)


A list that defines the center of the cluster. The list should have a length equal to the dimensionality. For MGC_Function, this list consists of functions that define the movement of the cluster. For MGC_Random, this attribute defines the beginning location for the MGC before it begins moving.
The density of the cluster. For MGC_Function, this attribute is a function and defines the density of a cluster at a given timestamp.
Dimensionality of the data stream.
a list of keyframes to initialize the MGC_Linear object with.
Parameters for the shape. For the default shape MGC_Shape_Gaussian the parameter is the standard deviation, one per dimension. If a single value is specified then it is recycled for all dimensions.
The maximum amount the cluster will move during one time step.
The area in which the noise should appear.
Should the cluster reset to the first keyframe (time 0) after this keyframe is finished?
A function creating the shape of the cluster. It gets passed on the parameters argument from above. Available functions are MGC_Shape_Gaussian (the parameters are a vector containing standard deviations) and MGC_Shape_Block (parameters are the dimensions of the uniform block).
The time stamp the keyframe should be located or which keyframe should be removed.
An object of class MGC_Linear.


An MGC describes a single cluster for use within an DSD_MG. There are currently four different MGCs that allow a user to express many different behaviors within a single data stream.

An MGC_Linear creates an evolving Gaussian cluster for a DSD_MG who's behavior is determined by several keyframes. Keyframes can be added and removed.

An MGC_Function allows for a creation of a DSD_MG that is defined by functions of time.

An MGC_Random allows for a creation of a DSD_MG that moves randomly.

An MGC_Noise allows for a creation of noise within a DSD_MG.

See Also

DSD_MG for details on how to use an MGC within a DSD


Run this code
### Two static clusters
stream <- DSD_MG(dim=2,
  MGC_Static(den = 1, center=c(1, 0), par=.1),
  MGC_Static(den = 1, center=c(2, 0), par=.4, shape=MGC_Shape_Block)


### Example of several MGC_Randoms
stream <- DSD_MG(dimension=2,
  MGC_Random(den = 100, center=c(1, 0), par=.1, rand=.1),
  MGC_Random(den = 100, center=c(2, 0), par=.4, shape=MGC_Shape_Block, rand=.1)
## Not run: 
#   animate_data(stream, 2500, xlim=c(0,3), ylim=c(-2,2), horizon=100)
# ## End(Not run)
### Example of several MGC_Functions
stream <- DSD_MG(dim = 2)

### block-shaped cluster moving from bottom-left to top-right increasing size
c1 <- MGC_Function(
  density = function(t){100},
  parameter = function(t){1*t},
  center = function(t) c(t,t),
  shape = MGC_Shape_Block

### cluster moving in a circle (default shape is Gaussian)
c2 <- MGC_Function(
  density = function(t){25},
  parameter = function(t){5},
  center= function(t) c(sin(t/10)*50+50, cos(t/10)*50+50)

## Not run: 
# animate_data(stream,10000,xlim=c(-20,120),ylim=c(-20,120), horizon=100)
# ## End(Not run)
### Example of several MGC_Linears: A single cluster splits at time 50 into two.
### Note that c2 starts at time=50!
stream <- DSD_MG(dim = 2)
c1 <- MGC_Linear(dim = 2)
add_keyframe(c1, time=1,  dens=50, par=5, center=c(0,0))
add_keyframe(c1, time=50, dens=50, par=5, center=c(50,50))
add_keyframe(c1, time=100,dens=50, par=5, center=c(50,100))

c2 <- MGC_Linear(dim = 2, shape=MGC_Shape_Block)
add_keyframe(c2, time=50, dens=25, par=c(10,10),  center=c(50,50))
add_keyframe(c2, time=100,dens=25, par=c(30,30), center=c(100,50))

## Not run: 
# animate_data(stream,5000,xlim=c(0,100),ylim=c(0,100), horiz=100)
# ## End(Not run)
### two fixed and a moving cluster  
stream <- DSD_MG(dim = 2,
  MGC_Static(dens=1, par=.1, center=c(0,0)),
  MGC_Static(dens=1, par=.1, center=c(1,1)),
    keyframe(time = 0, dens=1, par=.1, center=c(0,0)),
    keyframe(time = 1000, dens=1, par=.1, center=c(1,1)),
    keyframe(time = 2000, dens=1, par=.1, center=c(0,0), reset=TRUE)

noise <- MGC_Noise(dens=.1, range=rbind(c(-.2,1.2),c(-.2,1.2)))
add_cluster(stream, noise)
## Not run: 
# animate_data(stream, n=2000*3.1, xlim=c(-.2,1.2), ylim=c(-.2,1.2), horiz=200)
# ## End(Not run)

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