EffectTreat (version 1.1)

PCA.ContCont: Compute the predictive causal association (PCA) in the Continuous-continuous case


The function PCA.ContCont computes the predictive causal association (PCA) when \(S\)=pretreatment predictor and \(T\)=True endpoint are continuous normally distributed endpoints. See Details below.


PCA.ContCont(T0S, T1S, T0T0=1, T1T1=1, SS=1, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.01))



A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the pretreatment predictor and the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of \(\rho_{\psi}\).


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the pretreatment predictor and the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of \(\rho_{\psi}\).


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of \(\rho_{\psi}\). Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of \(\rho_{\psi}\). Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the pretreatment predictor endpoint. Default 1.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals \(T_0\) and \(T_1\) that should be considered in the computation of \(\rho_{\psi}\). Default seq(-1, 1, by=.01), i.e., the values \(-1\), \(-0.99\), \(-0.98\), …, \(1\).


An object of class PCA.ContCont with components,


An object of class numeric that contains the total number of matrices that can be formed as based on the user-specified correlations in the function call.


A data.frame that contains the positive definite matrices that can be formed based on the user-specified correlations. These matrices are used to compute the vector of the \(\rho_{\psi}\) values.


A scalar or vector that contains the PCA (\(\rho_{\psi}\)) value(s).


A data.frame that contains the PCA (\(\rho_{\psi}\)), \(\sigma_{\psi_{T}}\), and \(\delta\).


Based on the causal-inference framework, it is assumed that each subject j has two counterfactuals (or potential outcomes), i.e., \(T_{0j}\) and \(T_{1j}\) (the counterfactuals for the true endpoint (\(T\)) under the control (\(Z=0\)) and the experimental (\(Z=1\)) treatments of subject j, respectively). The individual causal effects of \(Z\) on \(T\) for a given subject j is then defined as \(\Delta_{T_{j}}=T_{1j}-T_{0j}\).

The correlation between the individual causal effect of \(Z\) on \(T\) and \(S_{j}\) (the pretreatment predictor) equals (for details, see Alonso et al., submitted):


where the correlation \(\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}\) is not estimable. It is thus warranted to conduct a sensitivity analysis (by considering vectors of possible values for the correlations between the counterfactuals -- rather than point estimates).

When the user specifies a vector of values that should be considered for \(\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}\) in the above expression, the function PCA.ContCont constructs all possible matrices that can be formed as based on these values and the estimable quantities \(\rho_{T_{0}S}\), \(\rho_{T_{1}S}\), identifies the matrices that are positive definite (i.e., valid correlation matrices), and computes \(\rho_{\psi}\) for each of these matrices. The obtained vector of \(\rho_{\psi}\) values can subsequently be used to e.g., conduct a sensitivity analysis.


A single \(\rho_{\psi}\) value is obtained when all correlations in the function call are scalars.


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (submitted). Validating predictors of therapeutic success: a causal inference approach.


Run this code
# Based on the example dataset
    # load data in memory
    # compute corr(S, T) in control treatment, gives .77
   # compute corr(S, T) in experimental treatment, gives .71
   # compute var T in control treatment, gives 263.99 
   # compute var T in experimental treatment, gives 230.64  
   # compute var S, gives 163.65   

# Generate the vector of PCA.ContCont values using these estimates 
# and the grid of values {-1, -.99, ..., 1} for the correlations
# between T0 and T1:
PCA <- PCA.ContCont(T0S=.77, T1S=.71, T0T0=263.99, T1T1=230.65, 
                    SS=163.65, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.01))

# Examine and plot the vector of generated PCA values:

# Other example

# Generate the vector of PCA.ContCont values when rho_T0S=.3, rho_T1S=.9, 
# sigma_T0T0=2, sigma_T1T1=2,sigma_SS=2, and  
# the grid of values {-1, -.99, ..., 1} is considered for the correlations
# between T0 and T1:
PCA <- PCA.ContCont(T0S=.3, T1S=.9, T0T0=2, T1T1=2, SS=2, 
T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.01))

# Examine and plot the vector of generated PCA values:

# Obtain the positive definite matrices than can be formed as based on the 
# specified (vectors) of the correlations (these matrices are used to 
# compute the PCA values)
# }

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