Rcmdr (version 1.3-14)

Plugins: R Commander Plug-in Packages


Plug-ins are R packages that extend the R Command interface.



An R Commander plug-in is an ordinary R package that (1) provides extensions to the R Commander menus is a file named menus.txt located in the package's etc directory; (2) provides call-back functions required by these menus; and (3) in optional Log-Exceptions: and Models: fields in the package's DESCRIPTION file, augments respectively the list of functions for which printed output is suppressed and the list of model objects recognized by the R Commander. The menus provided by a plug-in package are merged with the standard Commander menus. Plug-in packages given in the R Commander plugins option (see Commander) are automatically loaded when the Commander starts up. Plug-in packages may also be loaded via the Commander Tools -> Load Rcmdr plug-in(s) menu; a restart of the Commander is required to install the new menus. Finally, loading a plug-in package when the Rcmdr is not loaded will load the Rcmdr and activate the plug-in. An illustrative R Commander plug-in package, RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos, is available on CRAN.

See Also
