ReporteRs (version 0.7.6)

ReporteRs-package: ReporteRs: a package to create document from R


ReporteRs lets you create Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and html documents.



Package: ReporteRs
Type: Package
Version: 0.7.6
Date: 2014-02-06
License: GPL (>= 3)
LazyLoad: yes

To get an r document object:

  • docx Create a Microsoft Word document object

  • pptx Create a Microsoft PowerPoint document object

  • bsdoc Create an HTML document object

The following functions can be used whatever the output format is (docx, pptx, bsdoc).

ReporteRs comes with an object of class pot to let you handle text output and format. You can associate a text with formats (font size, font color, etc.), with an hyperlink or with a Footnote as a reference note.

ReporteRs comes also with an object of class FlexTable that let you design and format tabular outputs.

If many text output is needed you may consider using function addMarkdown.

Default values:

With ReporteRs, some options can be used to reduce usage of some parameters:

  • "ReporteRs-default-font" Default font family to use (default to "Helvetica"). This will be used as default values for argument fontname of addPlot and argument of pot.

    Note that if you do not have Helvetica font, this options must be set to an available font.

  • "ReporteRs-fontsize" Default font size to use (default to 11). This will be used as default values for argument pointsize of addPlot and argument font.size of pot.

  • "ReporteRs-backtick-color" backtick font color in markdown

  • "ReporteRs-backtick-shading-color" backtick shading color in markdown

  • "ReporteRs-list-definition" see list.settings.

  • "ReporteRs-locale.language" language encoding (for html objects). Default to "en".

  • "ReporteRs-locale.region" region encoding (for html objects). Default to "US".


Run this code
options("ReporteRs-fontsize"=10, "ReporteRs-default-font"="Helvetica")
numbering.pattern = c( "%1.", "%1. %2.", "%1. %2. %3.", 
  "%4.", "%5.", "%6.", "%7.", "%8.", "%9." )

ordered.formats = rep( c( "decimal", "upperRoman", "upperLetter"), 3 )

unordered.formats = rep( c( "square", "disc", "circle"), 3 )

left.indent = seq( from = 0, by = 0.5, length.out = 9)

options("ReporteRs-list-definition" = list( 
  ol.left = left.indent, 
  ol.hanging = rep( 0.4, 9 ), 
  ol.format = ordered.formats, 
  ol.pattern = numbering.pattern, 
  ul.left = left.indent, 
  ul.hanging = rep( 0.4, 9 ), 
  ul.format = unordered.formats
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab