R.rsp (version 0.15.0)

RspConstruct: The RspConstruct class


Package: R.rsp Class RspConstruct character ~~| ~~+--RspObject ~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~+--RspConstruct Directly known subclasses: RspCode, RspCodeChunk, RspComment, RspDirective, RspElseDirective, RspEndifDirective, RspErrorDirective, RspEvalDirective, RspExpression, RspIfDirective, RspIfeqDirective, RspIfneqDirective, RspIncludeDirective, RspIntegerDirective, RspLogicalDirective, RspMetaDirective, RspNumericDirective, RspPageDirective, RspStringDirective, RspText, RspUnknownDirective, RspUnparsedDirective, RspUnparsedExpression, RspVariableDirective public class RspConstruct extends RspObject An RspConstruct object represents an RSP construct, which can either be (i) an RSP text (a plain text section), (ii) an RSP comment, (iii) an RSP preprocessing directive, or (iv) an RSP expression.


RspConstruct(object=character(), ..., comment=NULL)


A R object.
Arguments passed to RspObject.
An optional character string.

Fields and Methods

Methods: rll{ asRspString Recreates an RSP string from an RspConstruct. getComment Gets the comment of an RSP construct. getInclude Checks whether an RSP construct will include text to the output or not. getSuffixSpecs Gets the suffix specifications. }

Methods inherited from RspObject: getAttribute, getAttributes, hasAttribute, print, setAttribute, setAttributes

Methods inherited from character: all.equal, as.Date, as.POSIXlt, as.data.frame, as.raster, formula, getDLLRegisteredRoutines, isOpen, toLatex, uses