R.rsp (version 0.42.0)

RspSourceCode: The RspSourceCode class


Package: R.rsp Class RspSourceCode

character ~~| ~~+--RspObject ~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~+--RspProduct ~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspSourceCode

Directly known subclasses: RspRSourceCode, RspShSourceCode

public abstract class RspSourceCode extends RspProduct

An RspSourceCode object is a character vector holding RSP generated source code for a particular programming language.


RspSourceCode(code=character(), ...)



Additional arguments passed to the RspProduct constructor.

Fields and Methods


evaluate Evaluates the source code.
print -
rstring -
tangle Drops all text-outputting calls from the source code.
tidy Tidy up the RSP source code.

Methods inherited from RspProduct: !, findProcessor, getType, hasProcessor, print, process, view

Methods inherited from RspObject: print

Methods inherited from character: all.equal, as.Date, as.POSIXlt, as.data.frame, as.raster, downloadFile, formula, getDLLRegisteredRoutines, isOpen, toAsciiRegExprPattern, toFileListTree, toLatex, uses