R.rsp (version 0.30.0)

RspUnknownDirective: The RspUnknownDirective class


Package: R.rsp Class RspUnknownDirective

character ~~| ~~+--RspObject ~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~+--RspConstruct ~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspDirective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspUnknownDirective

Directly known subclasses:

public class RspUnknownDirective extends RspDirective

An RspUnknownDirective is an RspDirective that is unknown.


RspUnknownDirective(value="unknown", ...)


A character string.
Arguments passed to the constructor of RspDirective.

Fields and Methods

Methods: No methods defined. Methods inherited from RspDirective: asRspString, getNameContentDefaultAttributes, requireAttributes Methods inherited from RspConstruct: asRspString, getComment, getInclude, getSuffixSpecs Methods inherited from RspObject: print Methods inherited from character: all.equal, as.Date, as.POSIXlt, as.data.frame, as.raster, downloadFile, formula, getDLLRegisteredRoutines, isOpen, toAsciiRegExprPattern, toFileListTree, toLatex, uses