IRanges (version 2.6.0)

Views-class: Views objects


The Views virtual class is a general container for storing a set of views on an arbitrary Vector object, called the "subject".

Its primary purpose is to introduce concepts and provide some facilities that can be shared by the concrete classes that derive from it.

Some direct subclasses of the Views class are: RleViews, XIntegerViews (defined in the XVector package), XStringViews (defined in the Biostrings package), etc...


See Also

IRanges-class, Vector-class, IRanges-utils, XVector.

Some direct subclasses of the Views class: RleViews-class, XIntegerViews-class, XDoubleViews-class, XStringViews-class.



Run this code
showClass("Views")  # shows (some of) the known subclasses

## Create a set of 4 views on an XInteger subject of length 10:
subject <- Rle(3:-6)
v1 <- Views(subject, start=4:1, end=4:7)

## Extract the 2nd view:

## Some views can be "out of limits"
v2 <- Views(subject, start=4:-1, end=6)
subviews(v2, end=-2)

## See ?`XIntegerViews-class` in the XVector package for more examples.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab