ReporteRs (version 0.8.0)

add.plot.interactivity: add interactivity on a plot


add interactivity on elements of a raphael plot. There are three interactive features: popup text when mouse is over an element, execute javascript instructions when clicking the element and execute javascript instructions when double-clicking the element.


add.plot.interactivity(fun, popup.labels, click.actions, dblclick.actions, ...)



plot function. See details.


labels to display when mouse is over the elements. A character vector. Length must be the same than the number of new elements generated by the plot function.


events to run when mouse is clicking the elements. A character vector of javascript instructions. Length must be the same than the number of new elements generated by the plot function.


events to run when mouse is double-clicking the elements. A character vector of javascript instructions. Length must be the same than the number of new elements generated by the plot function.


arguments for fun.

See Also

bsdoc, addPlot.bsdoc


Run this code
doc.filename = "interactive_plot/example.html"

# set default font size to 11
options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 11 )

doc = bsdoc( )
plot_function = function(){
  head( iris )
  colorsspec = list( setosa.solid = rgb(153/255, 51/255, 0/255, 1), 
     versicolor.solid = rgb(102/255, 102/255, 51/255, 1), 
     virginica.solid = rgb(0/255, 51/255, 102/255, 1), 
     setosa.area = rgb(153/255, 51/255, 0/255, 0.5), 
     versicolor.area = rgb(102/255, 102/255, 51/255, 0.5), 
     virginica.area = rgb(0/255, 51/255, 102/255, 0.5) )
  links = list( setosa = "\"\");", 
      versicolor = "\"\");", 
      virginica = "\"\");")
  # init plot
  with( iris, plot( Sepal.Length, Petal.Length , type = "n" ) )
  # loop over species
  sdata = split( iris, iris$Species )
  for(i in names( sdata ) ){
    tempdata = sdata[[i]]
    # do some calculations to get, predictions and lower bands (3* se)
    lo = loess(Petal.Length~Sepal.Length, data = tempdata )
    min.x = min(tempdata$Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE)
    max.x = max(tempdata$Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE)
    newdata = data.frame( Sepal.Length = seq( min.x, max.x, length.out = 10 ) )
    .pred = predict( lo, newdata = newdata, se = TRUE)
    lower = .pred$fit - 3*.pred$
    upper = .pred$fit + 3*.pred$
    coord.x = c( newdata$Sepal.Length, rev( newdata$Sepal.Length ), NA )
    coord.y = c( lower, rev(upper), NA )
    # end of calculations
    # add interactive elts on polygons
    add.plot.interactivity( fun = polygon, x = coord.x , y = coord.y, 
      col = colorsspec[[paste0( i, ".area")]], border = FALSE, 
      popup.labels = paste0( i, "\\n", "click on the area"), click.actions = links[[i]] )
    lines( newdata$Sepal.Length, .pred$fit, col = colorsspec[[paste0( i, ".solid")]] )
    # add interactive elts on points
    labs = paste( i, "\\n", rep("double click on the point", nrow(tempdata) ), sep = "" )
    actions = paste("alert('", format( tempdata$Petal.Length ), "');")
    add.plot.interactivity( fun = points, 
        x = tempdata$Sepal.Length , y = tempdata$Petal.Length, 
        col = colorsspec[[paste0( i, ".solid")]], pch = 16, 
        popup.labels = labs, dblclick.actions = actions )

doc = addPlot( doc, fun = plot_function, width = 8 )

# Write the object
writeDoc( doc, file = doc.filename )
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab