ReporteRs (version 0.5.4)

addPlot: Add a plot into a document object


Add a plot into a document object


addPlot(doc, fun, pointsize = 12, vector.graphic = F, ...)



document object


plot function


logical scalar, if TRUE, vector graphics are produced instead of PNG images.

SVG will be produced for html objects and DrawingML instructions for docx and pptx objects.

DrawingML instructions offer advantage to provide editable graphics (forms and texts colors , texts contents, moving and resizing is disabled).


the default pointsize of plotted text in pixels, default to 12.


further arguments passed to or from other methods..


a document object


Plot parameters are specified with the ... argument. However, the most convenient usage is to wrap the plot code into a function whose parameters will be specified as '...'.

If you want to add ggplot2 or lattice plot, use print function.

vector.graphic: if document is a pptx or html document, vector graphics will always be displayed.Don't use vector graphics if document is a docx and MS Word version used to open the document is 2007.

See addPlot.docx or addPlot.pptx or addPlot.html for examples.

See Also

docx, addPlot.docx , pptx, addPlot.pptx , html, addPlot.html