phylobase (version 0.8.4)

ancestor: Tree traversal and utility functions


Functions for describing relationships among phylogenetic nodes (i.e. internal nodes or tips).


ancestor(phy, node)

children(phy, node)

descendants(phy, node, type = c("tips", "children", "all", "ALL"))

siblings(phy, node, include.self = FALSE)

ancestors(phy, node, type = c("all", "parent", "ALL"))



a '>phylo4 object (or one inheriting from '>phylo4, e.g. a '>phylo4d object)


either an integer corresponding to a node ID number, or a character corresponding to a node label; for ancestors and descendants, this may be a vector of multiple node numbers or names


(ancestors) specify whether to return just direct ancestor ("parent"), all ancestor nodes ("all"), or all ancestor nodes including self ("ALL"); (descendants) specify whether to return just direct descendants ("children"), all extant descendants ("tips"), or all descendant nodes ("all") or all descendant nodes including self ("ALL").


whether to include self in list of siblings

a list of node numbers or names, or a vector of node numbers or names



return a named vector (or a list of such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the ancestors and descendants of a node


return a named vector (or a list of such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the ancestors and descendants of a node


ancestor is analogous to ancestors(…{}, type="parent") (i.e. direct ancestor only), but returns a single concatenated vector in the case of multiple input nodes


is analogous to descendants(…{}, type="children") (i.e. direct descendants only), but is not currently intended to be used with multiple input nodes


returns sibling nodes (children of the same parent)


ancestors and descendants can take node vectors of arbitrary length, returning a list of output vectors if the number of valid input nodes is greater than one. List element names are taken directly from the input node vector.

If any supplied nodes are not found in the tree, the behavior currently varies across functions.

  • Invalid nodes are automatically omitted by ancestors and descendants, with a warning.

  • ancestor will return NA for any invalid nodes, with a warning.

  • Both children and siblings will return an empty vector, again with a warning.

See Also

mrca, in the ape package, gives a list of all subtrees


Run this code
  nodeLabels(geospiza) <- LETTERS[1:nNodes(geospiza)]
  plot(as(geospiza, "phylo4"), show.node.label=TRUE)
  ancestor(geospiza, "E")
  children(geospiza, "C")
  descendants(geospiza, "D", type="tips")
  descendants(geospiza, "D", type="all")
  ancestors(geospiza, "D")
  MRCA(geospiza, "conirostris", "difficilis", "fuliginosa")
  MRCA(geospiza, "olivacea", "conirostris")

  ## shortest path between 2 nodes
  shortestPath(geospiza, "fortis", "fuliginosa")
  shortestPath(geospiza, "F", "L")

  ## branch length from a tip to the root
  sumEdgeLength(geospiza, ancestors(geospiza, "fortis", type="ALL"))
# }

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