archivist (version 2.1.1)

aoptions: Default Options for Archivist


The function aoptions sets and gets default options for other archivist functions.


aoptions(key, value = NULL, unset = FALSE)


A character denoting name of the parameter.
New value for the 'key' parameter.
Set to TRUE if want to set parameter to NULL, i.e. when unsetting Repository aoptions('repoDir', NULL, T).


The function returns value that corresponds to a selected key.


The function aoptions with two parameters sets default value of key parameter for other archivist functions. The function aoptions with one parameter returns value (stored in an internal environment)) of the given key parameter.

See Also

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%, addHooksToPrint, addTagsRepo, aformat, ahistory, alink, archivist-package, aread, asearch, asession, atrace, cache, copyLocalRepo, createLocalRepo, createMDGallery, deleteLocalRepo, getRemoteHook, getTagsLocal, loadFromLocalRepo, md5hash, restoreLibs, rmFromLocalRepo, saveToLocalRepo, searchInLocalRepo, setLocalRepo, shinySearchInLocalRepo, showLocalRepo, splitTagsLocal, summaryLocalRepo, zipLocalRepo


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # data.frame object
# # data(iris)
# ## EXAMPLE 1 : SET default local repository using aoptions() function.
# # creating example repository
# exampleRepoDir <- tempfile()
# createLocalRepo(exampleRepoDir)
# # "repodDir" parameter in each archivist function will be default and set to exampleRepoDir.
# aoptions(key = "repoDir", value = exampleRepoDir)
# data(iris)
# data(swiss)
# # From this moment repoDir parameter may be ommitted in the following functions
# saveToLocalRepo(iris)
# saveToLocalRepo(swiss) 
# showLocalRepo()
# showLocalRepo(method = "tags")
# zipLocalRepo()
# file.remove(file.path(getwd(), ""))
# iris2 <- loadFromLocalRepo( "ff575c2" , value = TRUE)
# searchInLocalRepo("name:i", fixed = F)
# getTagsLocal("ff575c261c949d073b2895b05d1097c3")
# rmFromLocalRepo("4c43f")
# showLocalRepo()
# summaryLocalRepo()
# # REMEMBER that in deleteRepo you MUST specify repoDir parameter!
# # deleteLocalRepo doesn't take setLocalRepo's settings into consideration
# deleteLocalRepo( exampleRepoDir, deleteRoot = TRUE)
# rm( exampleRepoDir )
# ## EXAMPLE 2 : SET default Github repository using aoptions() function.
# aoptions(key = "user", value = "pbiecek")
# aoptions(key = "repo", value = "archivist")
# # From this moment user and repo parameters may be ommitted in the following functions:
# showRemoteRepo() 
# loadFromRemoteRepo( "ff575c261c949d073b2895b05d1097c3")
# this <- loadFromRemoteRepo( "ff", value = T)
# file.remove(file.path(getwd(), "")) # We can remove this zip file
# searchInRemoteRepo( "name:", fixed= FALSE)
# getTagsGithub("ff575c261c949d073b2895b05d1097c3")
# summaryRemoteRepo( )
# searchInRemoteRepo( pattern=c("varname:Sepal.Width", "class:lm", "name:myplot123"), 
#                          intersect = FALSE ) 
# ## EXAMPLE 3 : SET default Github repository using aoptions() function.
# showRemoteRepo('Museum', 'MarcinKosinski', subdir = 'ex1')
# aoptions('repo', 'Museum')
# aoptions('user', 'MarcinKosinski')
# aoptions('subdir', 'ex1')
# aoptions('branch', 'master')
# showRemoteRepo()
# showRemoteRepo(subdir = 'ex2')
# aoptions('subdir')
# ## End(Not run)

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