projects (version 1.1.1)

file_management: file management


Tools for Organizing and Managing Project Files



rename_folder(project, new_folder_name, change_short_title = TRUE, archived = FALSE)

move_project(project, path, make_directories = FALSE, archived = FALSE)

copy_project(project_to_copy, path, new_id = NA, new_short_title = NA, make_directories = FALSE, archived = FALSE)


open_project(project, new_session = FALSE, archived = FALSE)



A valid path string.

For copy_project() only, if left blank, the preexisting project's directory is used. All other functions here require a valid path.

See the path argument in new_project() for details on valid paths.


Project id or unambiguous substring of the project name from the projects() table


Character string of new name for project folder. Always processed with fs::path_sanitize().


Logical indicating whether or not the project's short_title should be changed to the value of new_folder_name. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not the function should consider archived projects when determining which project the user is referring to in the project/project_to_copy argument. FALSE by default. See Details.


Logical. If the path represented by the path parameter does not exist, should the needed directories be created?


Project id or unambiguous substring of the project name corresponding to the project that is to be copied.


Optional integer, ranging from 1 to 9999, used as the newly-created project id. Must not already exist in projects()$id. If left blank, the lowest available id will be automatically used.


Optional character string that becomes the short_title of the project copy. It also becomes the project copy's folder name under normal circumstances (see Details).


Same as the newSession argument in rstudioapi::openProject().


Projects can be moved (move_project()), copied (copy_project()), or archived (archive_project()).

The difference between delete_project() and archive_project() is that the latter will just move the project to a directory called archive, located in the same parent directory as the project. This directory gets created if it doesn't yet exist. Most functions that perform actions on projects will exclude archived projects by default in order to make it easier for the user to enter a nonambiguous string that will match an active (i.e., non-archived) project.

Projects can also be organized into groups. By default, all projects are created within the main projects folder. To create a project group, which is essentially a subfolder of the main projects folder, use new_project_group().

The folder name of the project copy created by copy_project() will be new_short_title if the user supplies a value that is different from the names of any existing directories at path. Otherwise, its folder name will be taken from its id (i.e., "pXXXX").

open_project() is a wrapper around rstudioapi::openProject(), but the user only needs to know the project's id, title, or short_title instead of the file path of the project's .Rproj file. If there is no .Rproj file in the project's folder, the user has the option to restore a default .Rproj folder. If there are multiple .Rproj files, an error is thrown.

See Also

new_project() and delete_project() for other functions that write and delete files.


Run this code
old_path <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
setup_projects(path = tempdir(), .Renviron_path = fs::path_temp(".Renviron"))

# setting up a simple project directory tree

# Wrapped in if(interactive()) because it requires interactive console input
# and fails automated package checking and testing.
  new_project(title = "Sample Authorless Project", path = "kidney")

  # Moving the project folder, then moving it again.
  move_project(project = 1, "kidney/genomics")
  move_project(project = "Sample Authorless Project", "prostate/clinical")

  # Copying the project
  copy_project(project_to_copy = 1, "kidney/clinical")

  # Renaming the folder of the copy of the project
  rename_folder(project = 2, "copy")

  # Archiving the copy of the project

  # Opens the project in same session

  # Opens the project in a new session
  open_project(1, new_session = TRUE)
Sys.setenv(PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_path)
fs::file_delete(c(fs::path_temp("projects"), fs::path_temp(".Renviron")))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab