cSEM (version 0.1.0)

args_assess_dotdotdot: Internal: Complete list of assess()'s ... arguments


A complete alphabetical list of all possible arguments accepted by assess()'s ... (dotdotdot) argument.



An integer or a numeric vector of significance levels. Defaults to 0.05.


Logical. Should a closed-form confidence interval be computed? Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should the RMS_theta be computed using the model-implied construct correlation matrix (TRUE) or the construct correlation matrix based on V(eta) = WSW' divided by the square root of the respective reliabilities (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should the degrees of freedom for the null model be computed? Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Should a saturated structural model be used? Defaults to FALSE.


Character string. Which model-implied correlation matrix is calculated? One of "indicator" or "construct". Defaults to "indicator".


Most arguments supplied to the ... argument of assess() are only accepted by a subset of the functions called by assess(). The following list shows which argument is passed to which (internal) function:


Accepted by/Passed down to: calculateRhoT()


Accepted by/Passed down to: calculateRhoT()


Accepted by/Passed down to: calculateRMSTheta()


Accepted by/Passed down to: calculateDf()


Accepted by/Passed down to: calculateSRMR(), calculateDG(), calculateDL(), calculateDML()and subsequently fit().


Accepted by/Passed down to: calculateSRMR(), calculateDG(), calculateDL(), calculateDML() and subsequently fit().