poppr (version 2.3.0)

bruvo.boot: Create a tree using Bruvo's Distance with non-parametric bootstrapping.


Create a tree using Bruvo's Distance with non-parametric bootstrapping.


bruvo.boot(pop, replen = 1, add = TRUE, loss = TRUE, sample = 100, tree = "upgma", showtree = TRUE, cutoff = NULL, quiet = FALSE, root = NULL, ...)


a genind or genclone object
a vector of integers indicating the length of the nucleotide repeats for each microsatellite locus.
if TRUE, genotypes with zero values will be treated under the genome addition model presented in Bruvo et al. 2004.
if TRUE, genotypes with zero values will be treated under the genome loss model presented in Bruvo et al. 2004.
an integer indicated the number of bootstrap replicates desired.
any function that can generate a tree from a distance matrix. Default is upgma.
logical if TRUE, a tree will be plotted with nodelabels.
integer the cutoff value for bootstrap node label values (between 0 and 100).
logical defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, a progress bar and messages will be suppressed.
logical This is a parameter passed on to boot.phylo. If the tree argument produces a rooted tree (e.g. "upgma"), then this value should be TRUE. If it produces an unrooted tree (e.g. "nj"), then the value should be FALSE. By default, it is set to NULL, which will assume an unrooted phylogeny unless the function name contains "upgma".
any argument to be passed on to boot.phylo. eg. quiet = TRUE.


a tree of class phylo with nodelables


This function will calculate a tree based off of Bruvo's distance and then utilize boot.phylo to randomly sample loci with replacement, recalculate the tree, and tally up the bootstrap support (measured in percent success). While this function can take any tree function, it has native support for two algorithms: nj and upgma. If you want to use any other functions, you must load the package before you use them (see examples).


Ruzica Bruvo, Nicolaas K. Michiels, Thomas G. D'Souza, and Hinrich Schulenburg. A simple method for the calculation of microsatellite genotype distances irrespective of ploidy level. Molecular Ecology, 13(7):2101-2106, 2004.

See Also

bruvo.dist, nancycats, upgma, nj, boot.phylo, nodelabels, tab, missingno.


Run this code
# Please note that the data presented is assuming that the nancycat dataset 
# contains all dinucleotide repeats, it most likely is not an accurate
# representation of the data.

# Load the nancycats dataset and construct the repeat vector.
ssr <- rep(2, 9)

# Analyze the 1st population in nancycats

bruvo.boot(popsub(nancycats, 1), replen = ssr)

## Not run: 
# # Always load the library before you specify the function.
# library("ape")
# # Estimate the tree based off of the BIONJ algorithm.
# bruvo.boot(popsub(nancycats, 9), replen = ssr, tree = bionj)
# # Utilizing  balanced FastME
# bruvo.boot(popsub(nancycats, 9), replen = ssr, tree = fastme.bal)
# # To change parameters for the tree, wrap it in a function.
# # For example, let's build the tree without utilizing subtree-prune-regraft
# myFastME <- function(x) fastme.bal(x, nni = TRUE, spr = FALSE, tbr = TRUE)
# bruvo.boot(popsub(nancycats, 9), replen = ssr, tree = myFastME)
# ## End(Not run)

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