aspace (version 0.1)

calc.sde: Calculate and plot a Standard Deviation Ellipse


This function computes the Standard Deviation Ellipse (SDE) for a set of points. The SDE is a centrographic measure used to characterize the dispersion of point observations along two orthogonal axes. The SDE also captures directional bias in aspatial point pattern and will be oriented in the direction of maximum dispersion. The function provides options for weighting observations, and centring the ellipse on a user defined point, mean centre, or weighted mean centre of the input point locations. Output includes plotting of the SDE and an ASCII (text) file containing elliptical coordinates.


calc.sde(id = 1, filename = "SDE_Output.txt", calccentre = FALSE, useWMC = FALSE, centre.xy = centre, destmat = activities, titletxt = "Title", verbose = FALSE, plot = TRUE, calcSDxy = TRUE, plotSDEaxes = TRUE, plotdest = TRUE, plotcentroid = TRUE, plotSDxy = TRUE, weightpoints = FALSE, weights = wts, jpeg = FALSE)


An identifier for a given SDE. When running calc.sde in a loop for multiple sets of points, increment id such that it is unique!
The name of an ASCII (text) file where SDE coordinates will be written
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the mean center of the points is to be used as the SDE centroid
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the weighted mean center is to be used as the SDE centroid
A numeric vector of length 2, containing specified x- and y-coordinates to use as the centroid
A numeric matrix or data frame with two columns. The first column represents x-coordinates, the second, y-coordinates. Each row corresponds to a single point location.
A string to use as the title on the plot
Boolean: Set to TRUE if extensive standard output feedback is desired
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the SDE is to be plotted
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the standard deviations in the orthogonal (x and y) directions are to be computed
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the orthogonal axes through the centroid are to be plotted
Boolean: Set to TRUE if input point observations are to be plotted along with the SDE
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the centroid is to be plotted along with the SDE
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the orthogonal standard deviation box should be plotted along with the SDE
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the point observations are to be weighted
A matrix or data frame of weights for the points
Boolean: Set to TRUE if the plot should be saved in JPEG format


  • The returned result is a list:
  • CALCCENTREBoolean: Indicates whether the mean centre was computed
  • WeightPointsBoolean: Indicates whether the points were weighted
  • UseWMCBoolean: Indicates whether the weighted mean center is to be used
  • Orig.xOriginal x-coordinate of center
  • Orig.yOriginal y-coordinate of center
  • CENTRE.xx-coordinate after computation of mean centre
  • CENTRE.yy-coordinate after computation of mean centre
  • Sigma.xHalf-length of axis along x-axis
  • Sigma.yHalf-length of axis along y-axis
  • MajorString indicating which axis is the major elliptical axis
  • MinorString indicating which axis is the minor elliptical axis
  • ThetaRotation angle in degrees
  • EccentricityA measure of eccentricity
  • Area.sdeArea of the SDE
  • TanThetaTrigonometric result
  • SinThetaTrigonometric result
  • CosThetaTrigonometric result
  • SinThetaCosThetaTrigonometric result
  • Sin2ThetaTrigonometric result
  • Cos2ThetaTrigonometric result
  • ThetaCorrCorrected theta angle for rotation of major axis from north
  • WMC.xWeighted mean center x-coordinate
  • WMC.yWeighted mean center y-coordinate


This function is most powerful when used repetitively within a loop to compute the SDE for subsets of points stored in a large data table.


See chapter 4 of the documentation manual for CrimeStat at and Ebdon, D. 1987. Statistics in geography. 2nd edition. New York, NY Basil Blackwell Ltd. 232 p.

See Also

calc.sdd, calc.mcp, makeshapes


Run this code
calc.sde(id = 1, filename = "SDE_Output.txt", calccentre = FALSE, useWMC = FALSE, centre.xy = centre, destmat = activities, titletxt = "Title", verbose = FALSE, plot = TRUE, calcSDxy = TRUE, plotSDEaxes = TRUE, plotdest = TRUE, plotcentroid = TRUE, plotSDxy = TRUE, weightpoints = FALSE, weights = wts, jpeg = FALSE)

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