checkmate (version 1.9.3)

checkR6: Check if an argument is a R6 class


Check if an argument is a R6 class


checkR6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL,
  public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE)

check_r6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL, public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE)

assertR6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL, public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE, = vname(x), add = NULL)

assert_r6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL, public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE, = vname(x), add = NULL)

testR6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL, public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE)

test_r6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL, public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE)

expect_r6(x, classes = NULL, ordered = FALSE, cloneable = NULL, public = NULL, private = NULL, null.ok = FALSE, info = NULL, label = vname(x))



[any] Object to check.


[character] Class names to check for inheritance with inherits. x must inherit from all specified classes.


[logical(1)] Expect x to be specialized in provided order. Default is FALSE.


[logical(1)] If TRUE, check that x has a clone method. If FALSE, ensure that x is not cloneable.


[character] Names of expected public slots. This includes active bindings.


[character] Names of expected private slots.


[logical(1)] If set to TRUE, x may also be NULL. In this case only a type check of x is performed, all additional checks are disabled.

[character(1)] Name of the checked object to print in assertions. Defaults to the heuristic implemented in vname.


[AssertCollection] Collection to store assertion messages. See AssertCollection.


[character(1)] Extra information to be included in the message for the testthat reporter. See expect_that.


[character(1)] Name of the checked object to print in messages. Defaults to the heuristic implemented in vname.


Depending on the function prefix: If the check is successful, the functions assertClass/assert_class return x invisibly, whereas checkClass/check_class and testClass/test_class return TRUE. If the check is not successful, assertClass/assert_class throws an error message, testClass/test_class returns FALSE, and checkClass returns a string with the error message. The function expect_class always returns an expectation.

See Also

Other classes: checkClass, checkMultiClass


Run this code
generator = R6Class("Bar",
  public = list(a = 5),
  private = list(b = 42),
  active = list(c = function() 99)
x = generator$new()
checkR6(x, "Bar", cloneable = TRUE, public = "a")
# }

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