nlme (version 3.1-1)

collapse.groupedData: Collapse a groupedData Object


If object has a single grouping factor, it is returned unchanged. Else, it is summarized by the values of the displayLevel grouping factor (or the combination of its values and the values of the covariate indicated in preserve, if any is present). The collapsed data is used to produce a new groupedData object, with grouping factor given by the displayLevel factor.


collapse(object, collapseLevel, displayLevel, outer, inner, preserve,
         FUN, subset)


an object inheriting from class groupedData, generally with multiple grouping factors.
an optional positive integer or character string indicating the grouping level to use when collapsing the data. Level values increase from outermost to innermost grouping. Default is the highest or innermost level of grouping.
an optional positive integer or character string indicating the grouping level to use as the grouping factor for the collapsed data. Default is collapseLevel.
an optional logical value or one-sided formula, indicating covariates that are outer to the displayLevel grouping factor. If equal to TRUE, the displayLevel element attr(object, "outer") is used
an optional logical value or one-sided formula, indicating a covariate that is inner to the displayLevel grouping factor. If equal to TRUE, attr(object, "outer") is used to indicate the inner covariate. An i
an optional one-sided formula indicating a covariate whose levels should be preserved when collapsing the data according to the collapseLevel grouping factor. The collapsing factor is obtained by pasting together the levels of the
an optional summary function or a list of summary functions to be used for collapsing the data. The function or functions are applied only to variables in object that vary within the groups defined by collapseLevel. In
an optional named list. Names can be either positive integers representing grouping levels, or names of grouping factors. Each element in the list is a vector indicating the levels of the corresponding grouping factor to be preserved in the colla


  • a groupedData object with a single grouping factor given by the displayLevel grouping factor, resulting from collapsing object over the levels of the collapseLevel grouping factor.


Pinheiro, J.C. and Bates, D.M. (1997) "Future Directions in Mixed-Effects Software: Design of NLME 3.0" available at

See Also

groupedData, plot.nmGroupedData


Run this code
# collapsing by Dog
collapse(Pixel, collapse = 1)  # same as collapse(Pixel, collapse = "Dog")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab