ape (version 0.1)

compar.gee: Comparative Analysis with GEEs


This function performs the comparative analysis using generalized estimating equations as described by Paradis and Claude (2002).


compar.gee(formula, data = NULL, family = "gaussian", phy,
          scale.fix = FALSE, scale.value = 1)


a formula giving the model to be fitted.
the name of the data frame where the variables in formula are to be found; by default, the variables are looked for in the global environment.
a character string specifying the distribution assumed for the response; by default a Gaussian distribution is assumed (see ?family for details on specifying the distribution, and on changing the link function).
an object of class "phylo".
logical, indicates whether the scale parameter should be fixed (TRUE) or estimated (FALSE, the default).
if scale.fix = TRUE, gives the value for the scale (default: scale.value = 1).


  • an object of class "compar.gee" with the following components:
  • callthe function call, including the formula.
  • nobsthe number of observations.
  • coefficientsthe estimated coefficients (or regression parameters).
  • residualsthe regression residuals.
  • familya character string, the distribution assumed for the response.
  • linka character string, the link function used for the mean function.
  • scalethe scale (or dispersion parameter).
  • Wthe variance-covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients.
  • dfPthe phylogenetic degrees of freedom (see Paradis and Claude for details on this).


If a data frame is specified for the argument data and that data frame has rownames, then its values are matched to the tip labels of phy, otherwise its values are taken to be in the same order than the tip labels of phy. If data = NULL, then it is assumed that the variables are in the same order than the tip labels of phy.


Paradis, E. and Claude J. (2002) Analysis of comparative data using generalized estimating equations. Journal of theoretical Biology, 216, 000--000.

See Also

read.tree, pic, compar.lynch


Run this code
### The example in Phylip 3.5c (originally from Lynch 1990)
### (the same analysis than in help(pic)...)
   file = "ex.tre", sep = "")
tree.primates <- read.tree("ex.tre")
X <- c(4.09434, 3.61092, 2.37024, 2.02815, -1.46968)
Y <- c(4.74493, 3.33220, 3.36730, 2.89037, 2.30259)
### Both regressions... the results are quite close to those obtained
### with pic().
compar.gee(X ~ Y, phy = tree.primates)
compar.gee(Y ~ X, phy = tree.primates)
### Now do the GEE regressions through the origin: the results are quite
### different!
compar.gee(X ~ Y - 1, phy = tree.primates)
compar.gee(Y ~ X - 1, phy = tree.primates)
unlink("ex.tre") # delete the file "ex.tre"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab