randomizeR (version 1.4.2)

compare: Comparison of randomization procedures


Compares randomization procedures based on a specified issue in clinical trials.


compare(issue, ..., endp)

# S4 method for issue,missing compare(issue, ..., endp)

# S4 method for issue,endpoint compare(issue, ..., endp)



object of class issue.


at least one object of class randSeq or a list of objects of class randSeq.


object of class endpoint, or missing.


S4 object of class comparison summarizing the comparison of the randomization procedures.


Randomization procedures behave differently with respect to issues like selection bias, chronological bias, or loss in power estimation. The compare function evaluates the behaviour of randomization procedures with respect to one issue. Its first argument should represent one of the implemented issues. The second argument should be any number of objects of the class randSeq. These objects represent the randomization procedures for the planned comparison. The last argument endp may be provided if the assessment should take the distribution of the treamtent groups into account, e.g. for power evaluation.

See Also

Representation of randomization procedures: randPar

Generation of randomization sequences: genSeq

issues for the assessment of randomization sequences


Run this code
# compare Random Allocation Rule and Big Stick for N = 4
# with respect to the correct guesses
RAR <- getAllSeq(rarPar(4))
BSD <- getAllSeq(bsdPar(4, mti = 2))
corGuess <- corGuess("CS")
(comp <- compare(corGuess, RAR, BSD))

# compare the same procedures with respect to selection bias
endp <- normEndp(c(2, 2), c(1, 1))
selBias <- selBias("CS", 4, "exact")
(comp <- compare(selBias, RAR, BSD, endp = endp))

# }

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