glmulti (version 1.0.8)

consensus: Takes a consensus of several glmulti objects


The function takes a list of glmulti objects and returns a new glmulti object. This object contains the best models found in all passed objects, with duplicates removed. Useful to bring back together the different parts of a parallelized exhaustive screen, or to make the consensus of several replicate genetic algorithms.


consensus(xs, confsetsize = NA, ...)



A list containing glmulti objects, or filenames from which glmulti objects can be read on the disk (typically glmulti objects that have been saved using write with file="filename|object").


The number of best models to be included in the consensus object. If NA, all available models are included.

Further arguments, allowing to write custom S4 methods for this generic.


A standard object of class glmulti


The name of the returned object is the name of the first object passed, with "consensus-" prepended. The params slot of the returned object is taken from the first object too. Note that if not all glmulti objects in xs do contain fitted model objects, then no model object will be included in the returned glmulti object.


Calcagno \& de Mazancourt 2010 J. Stat. Soft. v34 i12. See

See Also
