ape (version 2.8)

corPagel: Pagel's ``lambda'' Correlation Structure


The correlation structure from the present model is derived from the Brownian motion model by multiplying the off-diagonal elements (i.e., the covariances) by $\lambda$. The variances are thus the same than for a Brownian motion model.


corPagel(value, phy, form = ~1, fixed = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'corPagel':
corMatrix(object, covariate = getCovariate(object),
                   corr = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'corPagel':
coef(object, unconstrained = TRUE, \dots)



an object of class "corPagel", the coefficients from an object of this class, or the correlation matrix of an initialized object of this class. In most situations, only corPagel will be called by the user.


Freckleton, R. P., Harvey, P. H. and M. Pagel, M. (2002) Phylogenetic analysis and comparative data: a test and review of evidence. American Naturalist, 160, 712--726.

Pagel, M. (1999) Inferring the historical patterns of biological evolution. Nature, 401,877--884.