raster (version 2.0-29)

dataType: Data type


Get the datatype of a RasterLayer object. The datatype determines the interpretation of values written to disk. Changing the datatype of a Raster* object does not directly affect the way they are stored in memory; but it does affect how values are read from file (unless values are read via rgdal). If you change the datatype of a RasterLayer and then read values from disk these may be completely wrong, so only do this for debugging or when the information in the header file was wrong. To set the datatype of a new file, you can give a 'datatype' argument to the functions that write values to disk (e.g. writeRaster).


dataType(x) <- value


A RasterLayer object
A data type (see below)


  • a Raster* object


Setting the data type is useful if you want to write values to disk. In other cases use functions such as round() Datatypes are described by 5 characters. The first three indicate whether the values are integers, decimal number or logical values. The fourth character indicates the number of bytes used to save the values on disk, and the last character indicates whether the numbers are signed (i.e. can be negative and positive values) or not (only zero and positive values allowed) The following datatypes are available: lll{ Datatype definition minimum possible value maximum possible value LOG1S FALSE (0) TRUE (1) INT1S -127 127 INT1U 0 255 INT2S -32,767 32,767 INT2U 0 65,534 INT4S -2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 INT4U 0 4,294,967,296 FLT4S -3.4e+38 3.4e+38 FLT8S -1.7e+308 1.7e+308 } For all integer types, except the single byte types, the lowest (signed) or highest (unsigned) value is used to store NA. Single byte files do not have NA values. Logical values are stored as signed single byte integers, they do have an NA value (-127) INT4U is available but they are best avoided as R does not support 32-bit unsigned integers.


Run this code
r <- raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster"))
s <- writeRaster(r, 'new.grd', datatype='INT2U', overwrite=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab