ROracle (version 1.3-1.1)

dbConnect-methods: Create a Connection Object to an Oracle DBMS


These methods are straightforward implementations of the corresponding generic functions.


# S4 method for OraDriver
dbConnect(drv, username = "", password = "", dbname = "", prefetch = FALSE,
          bulk_read = 1000L, bulk_write = 1000L, stmt_cache = 0L,
          external_credentials = FALSE, sysdba = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for ExtDriver
dbConnect(drv, prefetch = FALSE, bulk_read = 1000L,
          bulk_write = 1000L, stmt_cache = 0L,
          external_credentials = FALSE, sysdba = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for OraConnection
dbDisconnect(conn, ...)



An object of class OraDriver or ExtDriver.


An OraConnection object as produced by dbConnect.


A character string specifying a user name.


A character string specifying a password.


A character string specifying a connect identifier (for more information refer to Chapter 8, Configuring Naming Methods, of Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide). This is the same as part of the SQL*Plus connect string that follows the '@' sign. If you are using Oracle Wallet to store username and password, then this string should be the connect string used to create the wallet mapping (for more information, refer to Configuring Clients to Use the External Password Store in Chapter 3 of Oracle Database Security Guide). Connect identifiers for an Oracle TimesTen IMDB instance are supported via the OCI tnsnames or easy connect naming methods. For additional information on TimesTen connections for OCI see chapter 3, TimesTen Support for OCI, of TimesTen In-Memory C Developer's Guide. Examples below show various ways to specify the connect identifier.


A logical value indicating TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, ROracle will use OCI prefetch buffers to retrieve additional data from the server thus saving memory required in RODBI/ROOCI by allocating a single row buffer to fetch the data from OCI. Using prefetch results in a fetch call for every row. By default, prefetch is FALSE and array fetch is used to retrieve the data from the server.


An integer value indicating the number of rows to fetch at a time. The default value is 1000L. When the prefetch option is selected, memory is allocated for prefetch buffers and OCI will fetch that many rows at a time. When prefetch is not used (the default), memory is allocated in RODBI/ROOCI define buffers. Setting this to a large value will result in more memory allocated based on the number of columns in the select list and the types of columns. For a column of type character, define buffers are allocated using the maximum width times the NLS maximum width. Applications should adjust this value based on the query result and a larger value will benefit queries that return a large result. An application can tune this value as needed.


An integer value indicating the number of rows to insert, update or delete at a time. The default value is 1000L. When the bulk_write value is given in argument, memory is allocated for buffers and OCI will write that many rows at a time. When bulk_write argument is not given, the default value 1000 is used to allocate memory for the bind buffers. Setting this to a large value will result in more memory allocated based on the number of columns in the insert list and the types of columns.


An integer value indicating the number of statements to cache. It means that cursors are ready to be used without the need to parse the statements again. The default value is 0L. If stmt_cache value is greater than 0L then prefetch value must be set to TRUE.


A logical value indicating TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, ROracle will begin OCI session authenticated with external credentials on the connection. The default value is FALSE.


A logical value indicating TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, ROracle will begin OCI session with SYSDBA privileges on the connection. The default value is FALSE.

Currently unused.



An object OraConnection whose class extends DBIConnection. This object is used to execute SQL queries on the database.


A logical value indicating whether the operation succeeded or not.

Side Effects


Establishes a connection between R and an Oracle Database server.


Frees resources used by the connection object.



This connection object is used to execute operations on the database.

When prefetch is set to TRUE, it allows the use of the OCI prefetch buffer to retrieve additional data from the server.

The bulk_read argument is used to set an integer value indicating the number of rows to fetch at a time.

The bulk_write argument is used to set an integer value indicating the number of rows to write at a time.

The stmt_cache argument is used to enable or disable the statement caching feature. Its value specifies the statement cache size.

The external_credentials argument is used to begin OCI session authenticated with external credentials on the connection.

The sysdba argument is used to begin OCI session with SYSDBA privileges on the connection.

When establishing a connection with an ExtDriver driver, none of the arguments specifying credentials are used. A connection in this mode is a singleton object, that is, all calls to dbConnect return the same connection object.


This implementation disconnects the connection between R and the database server. It frees all resources used by the connection object. It frees all result sets associated with this connection object.


For the Oracle Database documentation see

See Also

Oracle, dbConnect, dbSendQuery, dbGetQuery, fetch, dbCommit, dbGetInfo, dbReadTable.


Run this code
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection on the
    ## same machine.
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")

    ## Use username/password authentication.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username = "scott", password = "tiger")

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp where deptno = 10")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection to a
    ## remote database using the SID in the connect string. 
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")

    ## Refer to Oracle Database Net Services Administator's Guide for
    ## details on connect string specification.
    host <- "myhost"
    port <- 1521
    sid <- "mysid"
    connect.string <- paste(
      "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=", host, ")(PORT=", port, "))",
        "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=", sid, ")))", sep = "")

    ## Use username/password authentication.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username = "scott", password = "tiger",
                     dbname = connect.string)

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp where deptno = 10")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection to a
    ## remote database using the service name.
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")

    ## Refer to Oracle Database Net Services Administator's Guide for
    ## details on connect string specification.

    host <- "myhost"
    port <- 1521
    svc <- ""
    connect.string <- paste(
      "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=", host, ")(PORT=", port, "))",
      "(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=", svc, ")))", sep = "")
    ## Use username/password authentication.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username = "scott", password = "tiger",
                     dbname = connect.string)

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp where deptno = 10")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection.
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")

    ## Use Oracle Wallet authentication.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username ="", password="", 
    dbname = "<wallet_connect_string>")

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp where deptno = 10")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection.
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")

    ## Connect to a TimesTen IMDB instance using the easy connect 
    ## naming method where SampleDb is a direct driver TimesTen DSN.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username ="scott", password="tiger", 
                     dbname = "localhost/SampleDb:timesten_direct")

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from dual")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Connect to an extproc (this assumes that the driver has already
    ## been initialized in the embedded R code by passing an external
    ## pointer representing the extproc context).
    con <- dbConnect(Extproc())

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from dual")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection.
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")

    ## Create connection with SYSDBA privileges.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username ="scott", password="tiger",
                     sysdba = TRUE)

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp where deptno = 10")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }
# }
    ## Create an Oracle Database instance and create one connection.
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
    ## Use OS authentication as an example of external authentication
    ## Make sure that databse user exist to allow an OS authentication

    ## Create connection authenticated with external credentials.
    con <- dbConnect(drv, username ="", password="",
                     external_credentials = TRUE)
    ## Above dbConnect() used OS credentials to connect with database.

    ## Run a SQL statement by creating first a resultSet object.
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp where deptno = 10")

    ## We now fetch records from the resultSet into a data.frame.
    data <- fetch(rs)       ## extract all rows
# }

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