ROracle (version 1.3-1.1)

dbGetInfo-methods: Database interface Metadata


These methods are straight-forward implementations of the corresponding generic functions.


# S4 method for OraDriver
dbGetInfo(dbObj, ...)
# S4 method for ExtDriver
dbGetInfo(dbObj, ...)
# S4 method for OraConnection
dbGetInfo(dbObj, what, ...)
# S4 method for OraResult
dbGetInfo(dbObj, what, ...)
# S4 method for OraResult
dbGetStatement(res, ...)
# S4 method for OraResult
dbGetRowCount(res, ...)
# S4 method for OraResult
dbGetRowsAffected(res, ...)
# S4 method for OraResult
dbColumnInfo(res, ...)
# S4 method for OraResult



Any object that implements some functionality in the R interface to databases (a driver, a connection, or a result set).


A character string specifying an element of the output list.


An OraResult.

Currently unused.


Information about driver, connection or a result set object.


Table, schema, and column names are case sensitive, for example, table names ABC and abc are not the same. All database schema object names should not include double quotes as they are enclosed in double quotes when the corresponding SQL statement is generated.

The ROracle method dbGetInfo provides following details about the driver object:

  • \$driverName The name of the driver, "Oracle (OCI)"

  • \$driverVersion The version of the ROracle driver used

  • \$clientVersion The version of the Oracle Client library used

  • \$conTotal The number of connections instantiated by the driver

  • \$conOpen The number of connections open currently

  • \$interruptible TRUE when a long-running query can be interrupted

  • \$unicode_as_utf8 TRUE when character data is to be fetched in UTF8 encoded format

  • \$ora_attributes TRUE when each column in a result set data frame has corresponding Oracle DBMS attributes

  • \$connections Information about each connection currently open, see dbGetInfo of connection object for details

The ROracle method dbGetInfo provides following the details about the connection object:

  • \$username The name of the user on this connection

  • \$dbname The connect alias or the connect string used

  • \$serverVersion The version of the Oracle Database server

  • \$serverType The value "Oracle RDBMS"

  • \$resTotal The number of result sets on this connection

  • \$resOpen The number of result sets open on this connection

  • \$prefetch TRUE when prefetch mechanism is used to fetch data

  • \$bulk_read The number of rows to fetch at a time from DBMS

  • \$bulk_write The number of rows to write at a time to DBMS

  • \$stmt_cache TRUE when the statement cache is used

  • \$results Information about each result set currently open, see dbGetInfo of result set for details

The ROracle method dbGetInfo provides the following details about the result set object:

  • \$statement SQL statement used to produce the result set object

  • \$isSelect TRUE when a select statement is specified

  • \$rowsAffected The number of rows affected by DML statment

  • \$rowCount The number of rows in result set currently

  • \$completed TRUE if there are no more rows in the result set

  • \$prefetch TRUE when the prefetch mechanism used to fetch data

  • \$bulk_read The number of rows to fetch at a time from DBMS

  • \$bulk_write The number of rows to write at a time to DBMS

  • \$fields Information about each column in the the result set, see dbColumnInfo for details

The ROracle method dbColumnInfo provides following details about each column in the result set:

  • \$name The name of the column

  • \$Sclass The R type of the object containing the data returned by the Oracle RDBMS

  • \$type The type of column as created in Oracle RDBMS

  • \$len Length of VARCHAR, CHAR and RAW column type in Oracle RDBMS. All other columns will have NA.

  • \$precision The precision of number column

  • \$scale The scale of number column

  • \$nullOK TRUE when a NULL value can be present in the column

The example below shows the driver, connection, result set, and column information for a table containing:

   create table foo(
     a number(21),
     b number,
     c char(20),
     d varchar(300),
     e binary_double,
     f binary_float,
     g clob,
     h blob,
     i bfile,
     j date,
     m timestamp,
     n timestamp with time zone,
     o timestamp with local time zone,
     r interval day to second,
     s raw(234)

Loading required package: DBI
> # instantiate ROracle driver object
> drv <- Oracle()
> con <- dbConnect(drv, "scott", "tiger")
> rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from foo")
> dbGetInfo(drv)
[1] "Oracle (OCI)"

$driverVersion [1] "1.1-12"

$clientVersion [1] ""

$conTotal [1] 1

$conOpen [1] 1

$interruptible [1] FALSE

$unicode_as_utf8 [1] TRUE

$ora_attributes [1] TRUE

$connections $connections[[1]] User name: scott Connect string: Server version: Server type: Oracle RDBMS Results processed: 1 OCI prefetch: FALSE Bulk read: 1000 Bulk write: 1000 Statement cache size: 0 Open results: 1

> dbGetInfo(con) $username [1] "scott"

$dbname [1] ""

$serverVersion [1] ""

$serverType [1] "Oracle RDBMS"

$resTotal [1] 1

$resOpen [1] 1

$prefetch [1] FALSE

$bulk_read [1] 1000

$bulk_write [1] 1000

$stmt_cache [1] 0

$results $results[[1]] Statement: select * from foo Rows affected: 0 Row count: 0 Select statement: TRUE Statement completed: FALSE OCI prefetch: FALSE Bulk read: 1000 Bulk write: 1000

> dbGetInfo(rs) $statement [1] "select * from foo"

$isSelect [1] TRUE

$rowsAffected [1] 0

$rowCount [1] 0

$completed [1] FALSE

$prefetch [1] FALSE

$bulk_read [1] 1000

$bulk_write [1] 1000

$fields name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK 1 A numeric NUMBER NA 21 0 TRUE 2 B numeric NUMBER NA 0 -127 TRUE 3 C character CHAR 20 0 0 TRUE 4 D character VARCHAR2 300 0 0 TRUE 5 E numeric BINARY_DOUBLE NA 0 0 TRUE 6 F numeric BINARY_FLOAT NA 0 0 TRUE 7 G character CLOB NA 0 0 TRUE 8 H raw BLOB NA 0 0 TRUE 9 I raw BFILE NA 0 0 TRUE 10 J POSIXct DATE NA 0 0 TRUE 11 M POSIXct TIMESTAMP NA 0 6 TRUE 12 N POSIXct TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NA 0 6 TRUE 13 O POSIXct TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE NA 0 6 TRUE 14 R difftime INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND NA 2 6 TRUE 15 S raw RAW 234 0 0 TRUE


For the Oracle Database documentaion see

See Also

Oracle, dbDriver, dbConnect, dbSendQuery, dbGetQuery, fetch, dbCommit, dbGetInfo, dbListTables, dbReadTable.


Run this code
# }
    drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
    con <- dbConnect(drv, "scott", "tiger")

    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from emp")

    # Get the SQL statement for the result set object rs

    # Are there any more rows in result set?

    # Information about columns in result set rs object

    # DBIDriver info

    # DBIConnection info

    # DBIResult info
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab