DeclareDesign (version 0.18.0)

declare_assignment: Declare assignment procedure


Declare assignment procedure


declare_assignment(..., handler = assignment_handler, label = NULL)

assignment_handler(data, ..., assignment_variable = "Z", append_probabilities_matrix = FALSE)



arguments to be captured, and later passed to the handler


a tidy-in, tidy-out function


a string describing the step


A data.frame.


Name for assignment variable (quoted). Defaults to "Z". Argument to be used with default handler.


Should the condition probabilities matrix be appended to the data? Defaults to FALSE. Argument to be used with default handler.


A function that takes a data.frame as an argument and returns a data.frame with additional columns appended including an assignment variable and (optionally) probabilities of assignment.


declare_assignment can work with any assignment_function that takes data and returns data. The default handler is conduct_ra from the randomizr package. This allows quick declaration of many assignment schemes that involve simple or complete random assignment with blocks and clusters. The arguments to conduct_ra can include N, block_var, clust_var, m, m_each, prob, prob_each, block_m, block_m_each, block_prob, block_prob_each, num_arms, and conditions. The arguments you need to specify are different for different designs. For details see the help files for complete_ra, block_ra, cluster_ra, or block_and_cluster_ra.

By default, declare_assignment declares a simple random assignment with probability 0.5.

Custom assignment handlers should augment the data frame with an appropriate column for the assignment(s).


Run this code
# Default handler delegates to conduct_ra

# Declare assignment of m units to treatment
my_assignment <- declare_assignment(m = 50)

# Declare assignment specifying assignment probability for each block
my_assignment <- declare_assignment(block_prob = c(1/3, 2/3), blocks = female)

# Declare assignment of clusters with probability 1/4
my_assignment <- declare_assignment(
  prob = 1/4,
  clusters = classrooms,
  assignment_variable = "X1"
# Declare factorial assignment (Approach 1): 
#   Use complete random assignment to assign T1 and then use T1 as a block to assign T2. 
 design <- declare_population(N = 4) + 
   declare_assignment(assignment_variable = "T1") + 
   declare_assignment(blocks = T1, assignment_variable = "T2")
# Declare factorial assignment (Approach 2): 
#   Assign to four conditions and then split into separate factors. 
 design <- declare_population(N = 4) + 
   declare_assignment(conditions = 1:4) + 
   declare_step(fabricate, T1 = as.numeric(Z %in% 2:3), T2 = as.numeric(Z %in% 3:4))
# Declare assignment using custom handler

custom_assignment <- function(data, assignment_variable = "X") {
 data[, assignment_variable] <- rbinom(n = nrow(data),
                                       size = 1,
                                       prob = 0.5)
 declare_population(N = 6) + 
   declare_assignment(handler = custom_assignment, assignment_variable = "X")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab