rsconnect (version 0.8.12)

deploySite: Deploy a Website


Deploy an R Markdown website to a server.


deploySite(siteDir = getwd(), siteName = NULL, account = NULL,
  server = NULL, render = c("none", "local", "server"),
  launch.browser = getOption("rsconnect.launch.browser", interactive()),
  logLevel = c("normal", "quiet", "verbose"), lint = FALSE,
  metadata = list())



Directory containing website. Defaults to current working directory.


Name for the site (names must be unique within an account). Defaults to the base name of the specified siteDir, (or to a name provided by a custom site generation function).


Account to deploy application to. This parameter is only required for the initial deployment of an application when there are multiple accounts configured on the system (see accounts).


Server name. Required only if you use the same account name on multiple servers.


Rendering behavior for site: "none" to upload a static version of the current contents of the site directory; "local" to render the site locally then upload it; "server" to render the site on the server. Note that for "none" and "local" R scripts (.R) and markdown documents (.Rmd and .md) will not be uploaded to the server.


If true, the system's default web browser will be launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to TRUE in interactive sessions only.


One of "quiet", "normal" or "verbose"; indicates how much logging to the console is to be performed. At "quiet" reports no information; at "verbose", a full diagnostic log is captured.


Lint the project before initiating deployment, to identify potentially problematic code?


Additional metadata fields to save with the deployment record. These fields will be returned on subsequent calls to deployments().

See Also

Other Deployment functions: applications, deployAPI, deployApp, deployDoc, deployTFModel