dynamicGraph (version

dg.Model-class: Class dg.Model


An example class for the model object of dynamicGraph.


Text string with the name of the model object.


  • An object of class dg.Model.

Objects from the Class

This is an example of the object for interface between dynamicGraphMain and your models.

The model object of the call of dynamicGraphMain should have the methods modifyModel, testEdge, graphEdges and setGraphEdges.

When the graph is modified, by adding or dropping vertices or edge, the method modifyModel is called on the argument object of dynamicGraphMain.

If a value different from NULL is returned from modifyModel at the key event "add edge" then the edge is added to the the view of the model, the graph window.

If NULL is returned from modifyModel then the methods addModel and replaceModel can be used to draw the new graph inside modifyModel. If a value different from NULL is returned from modifyModel then the methods addView ,addModel, replaceView, and replaceModel should not be called from modifyModel for the action add edge.

If the edge is to be added in a slave window then the edges to draw can be returned in a component with name edgeList (or newEdges$vertexEdges) of the returned structure.

If an object is returned in the list of the returned value from modifyModel then object in dynamicGraphMain is replaced by this object (and the object is also assigned in the top level environment, if objectName was given to dynamicGraphMain).

If a factor edge is added then the component edgeList with the edges of the new model should be available in the returned structure. New factor edges and factor vertices should also be avaliable in the components FactorEdges and FactorVertices.

Similar for the key events "dropEdge", "addVertex" and "dropVertex".

The methods graphEdges and setGraphEdges are used to communicate the graph components between several views of the same model in dynamicGraphMain.

The method graphEdges of the model object is for returning an object of class dg.graphedges-class to draw in the view, depending on the viewType.

[[ UPDATE: If NULL is returned for a component in the returned list from graphEdges then the corresponding value of Arguments is used in redrawView. To force an empty list, return the value list() (or numeric(0) for VisibleVertices and VisibleBlocks). See also the argument factorVertexList of drawModel. ]]

The method setGraphEdges of the model object is called on the model object when the model is modified.

The methods testEdge of object should return an object with the methods label and width for labeling edges, see dg.Test-class.


CoCo, with a guide at http://www.jstatsoft.org/v06/i04/, has an interface to dynamicGraph.

See Also



Run this code
# Part of the example "defaultObjects" of demo:

# Edit the following to meet your needs:
# - Change the name "your.Model"
# - Work out how the get names, types and edges from your model object.
# - At "message", insert the relevant code for testing and modifying the model.
# - The slots visibleVertices, visibleBlocks, extraVertices, edges, 
#    blockEdges, factorVertices, factorEdges should be eliminated,
#    and you should in "graphEdges" return relevant lists.

         representation(name = "character",
                        dg   = "dg.graphedges"))

# "newDefaultModelObject"<-
#   function(name)
#   {
#     result <- new("your.Model", name = name, dg = new("dg.graphedges"))
#     return(result)
#   }

setMethod("setSlots", "your.Model",
          function(object, arguments) { 
            for (i in seq(along = arguments)) {
              name <- names(arguments)[i]
              if (is.element(name, slotNames(object)))
                slot(object, name) <- arguments[[i]]
                message(paste("Argument '", name, "' not valid slot of '", 
                              class(object), "', thus ignored.",
                              sep = "")) }

setMethod("initialize", "your.Model",
          function(.Object, ...) {
              # print(c("initialize", "your.Model", class(.Object)))
              Args <- list(...)
              .Object <- setSlots(.Object, Args)

setMethod("graphEdges", "your.Model",
          function(object, viewType = NULL, ...)
          { # print(viewType); print ("graphEdges")

            dots           <- list(...)
            localArguments <-      dots$Arguments
            Vertices       <-      localArguments$vertexList

            Edges           <- object@dg@edgeList
            VisibleVertices <- object@dg@visibleVertices

            if (viewType == "Factor") {
              factors <- .cliquesFromEdges(Edges, Vertices, VisibleVertices)
              # print(factors)
              if (is.null(factors) || (length(factors) == 0)) {
                FactorVertices  <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
                FactorEdges     <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
              } else {
                result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(Vertices, factors)
                FactorVertices  <- result$FactorVertices
                FactorEdges     <- result$FactorEdges
                   viewType         = viewType, 
                   oriented         = object@dg@oriented, 
                   edgeList         = object@dg@edgeList, 
                   blockEdgeList    = object@dg@blockEdgeList, 
                   factorVertexList = FactorVertices,
                   factorEdgeList   = FactorEdges,
                   visibleVertices  = object@dg@visibleVertices, 
                   visibleBlocks    = object@dg@visibleBlocks, 
                   extraList        = object@dg@extraList, 
                   extraEdgeList    = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
            } else if (viewType == "Moral") {
              message("Moral view not implemented; ")
                   viewType         = viewType, 
                   oriented         = object@dg@oriented, 
                   edgeList         = object@dg@edgeList, 
                 # blockEdgeList    = new("dg.BlockEdgeList"),
                 # factorVertexList = new("dg.FactorVertexList"),
                 # factorEdgeList   = new("dg.FactorEdgeList"),
                   visibleVertices  = object@dg@visibleVertices, 
                   visibleBlocks    = numeric(), 
                   extraList        = object@dg@extraList, 
                   extraEdgeList    = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
            } else if (viewType == "Essential") {
              message("Essential view not implemented; ")
                   viewType         = viewType, 
                   oriented         = object@dg@oriented, 
                   edgeList         = object@dg@edgeList, 
                 # blockEdgeList    = new("dg.BlockEdgeList"),
                 # factorVertexList = new("dg.FactorVertexList"),
                 # factorEdgeList   = new("dg.FactorEdgeList"),
                   visibleVertices  = object@dg@visibleVertices, 
                   visibleBlocks    = numeric(), 
                   extraList        = object@dg@extraList, 
                   extraEdgeList    = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
            } else if (viewType == "Simple") {
                   viewType         = viewType, 
                   oriented         = object@dg@oriented, 
                   edgeList         = object@dg@edgeList, 
                   blockEdgeList    = object@dg@blockEdgeList, 
                 # factorVertexList = new("dg.FactorVertexList"),
                 # factorEdgeList   = new("dg.FactorEdgeList"),
                   visibleVertices  = object@dg@visibleVertices, 
                   visibleBlocks    = object@dg@visibleBlocks, 
                   extraList        = object@dg@extraList, 
                   extraEdgeList    = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
            } else 
              message("View type not implemented; ")

setMethod("setGraphEdges", signature(object = "your.Model"),
          function(object, dg = NULL, ...)
    if (!is.null(dg)) object@dg <- dg

setMethod("dg", signature(object = "your.Model"),
                   modelObject = NULL,
                   modelObjectName = NULL,
                   control = dg.control(...), 

    Names <- Your.function.for.extracting.variable.names.from.object(
             object = object)
    Types <- Your.function.for.extracting.variable.types.from.object(
             object = object)
    Edges <- Your.function.for.extracting.variable.edges.from.object(
             object = object)

    simpleGraph <- new("dg.simple.graph", vertex.names = Names, 
                      types = Types, # edge.list = Edges,
                      from = Edges[,1], to = Edges[,2])

    graph <- simpleGraphToGraph(simpleGraph)

    dg(graph, object = object, ...)


setMethod("testEdge", signature(object = "your.Model"),
          function(object, action, name.1, name.2, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    from.type <- dots$from.type
    to.type <- dots$to.type
    f <- function(type) if(is.null(type)) "" else paste("(", type, ")")
    message(paste("Should return an object with the edge from",
                  name.1, f(from.type), "to", name.2, f(to.type),
                  "deleted from the argument object"))
    return(new("your.Test", name = "TestObject"))

setMethod("modifyModel", signature(object = "your.Model"),
          function(object, action, name, name.1, name.2, ...)
    dots           <- list(...)
    localArguments <-      dots$Arguments
    Edges          <-      dots$newEdges$vertexEdges
    Vertices       <-      localArguments$vertexList

    viewType <- "Simple"

    DoFactors <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(dots$Arguments)
        && !is.null(dots$Arguments$factorVertexList)
        && (length(dots$Arguments$factorVertexList) > 0)
        && !is.null(dots$Arguments$vertexList))
      DoFactors <- TRUE

    if (DoFactors)
      viewType <- "Factor"

    # print(names(dots))
    # str(dots)

    # print(names(localArguments))

    # print(localArguments$visibleVertices)

    # str(localArguments$selectedNodes)
    # if (length(dots$selectedNodes) > 0)
    #   str(dots$selectedNodes)

    # str(localArguments$selectedEdges)
    # if (length(dots$selectedEdges) > 0)
    #   str(dots$selectedEdges)

    FactorVertices  <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
    FactorEdges     <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
    BlockEdges      <- new("dg.BlockEdgeList")
    VisibleVertices <- localArguments$visibleVertices
    VisibleBlocks   <- localArguments$visibleBlocks
    ExtraVertices   <- new("dg.VertexList")
    ExtraEdges      <- new("dg.ExtraEdgeList")

    f <- function(type) if (is.null(type)) "" else paste("(", type, ")")
    g <- function(type) if (is.null(type)) "" else type
    if (action == "dropEdge") {
      message(paste("Should return an object with the edge from",
                    name.1, f(dots$from.type), "to", name.2, f(dots$to.type),
                    "deleted from the argument object"))
      if ((g(dots$from.type) == "Factor") || (g(dots$from.type) == "Factor"))
    } else if (action == "addEdge") {
       message(paste("Should return an object with the edge from",
                     name.1, f(dots$from.type), "to", name.2, f(dots$to.type),
                     "added to the argument object"))
      if ((g(dots$from.type) == "Factor") || (g(dots$from.type) == "Factor"))
    } else if (action == "dropVertex")  {
       message(paste("Should return an object with the vertex", 
                     name, f(dots$type),
                     "deleted from the argument object"))
      if ((g(dots$type) == "Factor"))
      VisibleVertices <- VisibleVertices[VisibleVertices != dots$index]
      if (DoFactors && (dots$index > 0)) {
        x <- (localArguments$factorVertexList)
        factors <- lapply(x, function(i) i@vertex.indices)
        types   <- lapply(x, function(i) class(i))
        factors <- lapply(factors, 
                          function(x) { 
                            y <- x[x != dots$index]
                            if (length(y) > 0) return(y) else return(NULL) } )

        if (!is.null(factors)) {
          types   <- types[unlist(lapply(factors, function(i) !is.null(i)))]
          factors <- .removeNull(factors)
        if (!is.null(factors)) {
          subset <- function(x)
            lapply(x, function(a) 
                                            all(!is.na(match(a, A))) &&
                                            (length(a) < length(A))))))
          s <- subset(factors)
          types   <- types[!unlist(s)]
          factors <- factors[!unlist(s)]
          if (!(is.null(factors))) {
            result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(
                            localArguments$vertexList, factors, types, 
                            factorClasses = validFactorClasses())
            FactorVertices <- result$FactorVertices
            FactorEdges <- result$FactorEdges
        } else { 
          DoFactors <- FALSE
          FactorVertices <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
          FactorEdges    <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
    } else if (action == "addVertex") {
      VisibleVertices <- c(VisibleVertices, dots$index)
      message(paste("Should return an object with the vertex", 
                    name, f(dots$type), dots$index, 
                    "added to the argument object"))
      if (DoFactors && (dots$index > 0)) {
        x <- (localArguments$factorVertexList)
        factors <- lapply(x, function(i) i@vertex.indices)
        types   <- lapply(x, function(i) class(i))
        if (!is.null(factors))
          factors <- .removeNull(factors)
        if (is.null(factors)) {
          factors <- list(dots$index)
          types   <- validFactorClasses()[1, 1]
        } else { 
          n <- length(types)
          factors <- append(factors, list(dots$index))
          types   <- append(types, types[n])
        if (!(is.null(factors))) {
          result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(
                          localArguments$vertexList, factors, types, 
                          factorClasses = validFactorClasses())
          FactorVertices <- result$FactorVertices
          FactorEdges <- result$FactorEdges
    if (is.null(FactorVertices) && DoFactors && !is.null(Edges)) {

      factors <- .cliquesFromEdges(Edges, Vertices, VisibleVertices)

      if (is.null(factors) || (length(factors) == 0)) {
        FactorVertices <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
        FactorEdges    <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
      } else {
        result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(Vertices, factors)
        FactorVertices  <- result$FactorVertices
        FactorEdges     <- result$FactorEdges
    dg <- new("dg.graphedges", 
              edgeList         = Edges,
              viewType         = viewType, 
            # oriented         = oriented, 
              blockEdgeList    = BlockEdges, 
              factorVertexList = FactorVertices,
              factorEdgeList   = FactorEdges,
              visibleVertices  = VisibleVertices, 
              visibleBlocks    = VisibleBlocks, 
              extraList        = ExtraVertices,
              extraEdgeList    = ExtraEdges)
    ".IsEmpty" <- function(x) {
      if (is.null(x) || (length(x) == 0) ||
          (length(x) == 1) && is.null(x[[1]]))
    if (.IsEmpty(FactorEdges) && (viewType == "Factor")) {
      object <- setGraphEdges(object, dg = dg)
      graphContent <- graphEdges(object, viewType = viewType, 
                                 Arguments = localArguments)
      dg <- graphContent
    return(list(object  = object, dg = dg))

setMethod("Str", "your.Model",
          function(object, setRowLabels = FALSE, title = "", ...) {
              message(object@name) })

new("your.Model", name = "YourModelObject")

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