cluster (version 1.4-1)

diana.object: Divisive Analysis (DIANA) Object


The objects of class "diana" represent a divisive hierarchical clustering of a dataset.



  • A legitimate diana object is a list with the following components:
  • ordera vector giving a permutation of the original observations to allow for plotting, in the sense that the branches of a clustering tree will not cross.
  • order.laba vector similar to order, but containing observation labels instead of observation numbers. This component is only available if the original observations were labelled.
  • heighta vector with the diameters of the clusters prior to splitting.
  • dcthe divisive coefficient, measuring the clustering structure of the dataset. For each observation i, denote by d(i) the diameter of the last cluster to which it belongs (before being split off as a single observation), divided by the diameter of the whole dataset. The dc is the average of all 1 - d(i). It can also be seen as the average width (or the percentage filled) of the banner plot. Because dc grows with the number of observations, this measure should not be used to compare datasets of very different sizes.
  • mergean (n-1) by 2 matrix, where n is the number of observations. Row i of merge describes the split at step n-i of the clustering. If a number j in row r is negative, then the single observation |j| is split off at stage n-r. If j is positive, then the cluster that will be splitted at stage n-j (described by row j), is split off at stage n-r.
  • dissan object of class "dissimilarity", representing the total dissimilarity matrix of the dataset.
  • dataa matrix containing the original or standardized measurements, depending on the stand option of the function agnes. If a dissimilarity matrix was given as input structure, then this component is not available.


This class of objects is returned from diana.


The "diana" class has methods for the following generic functions: print, summary, plot.


The class "diana" inherits from "twins". Therefore, the generic function pltree can be used on a diana object.

See Also

agnes, diana, plot.diana, twins.object.