lmerTest (version 2.0-32)

difflsmeans: Calculates Differences of Least Squares Means and Confidence Intervals for the factors of a fixed part of mixed effects model of lmer object.


Produces a data frame which resembles to what SAS software gives in proc mixed statement. The approximation for degrees of freedom is Satterthwaite's.


difflsmeans(model, test.effs=NULL, ddf="Satterthwaite",...)


linear mixed effects model (lmer object).
charachter vector specifying names of terms to be tested. If NULL all the terms are tested.
By default the Satterthwaite's approximation to degrees of freedom is calculated. If ddf="Kenward-Roger", then the Kenward-Roger's approximation is calculated using KRmodcomp function from pbkrtest package. If ddf="lme4" then the anova table that comes from lme4 package is returned
other potential arguments.


Produces Differences of Least Squares Means (population means) table with p-values and Confidence intervals.

See Also

lsmeans, step, rand


Run this code

## import lme4 package and lmerTest package

## specify lmer model
m1 <- lmer(Informed.liking ~ Gender*Information +(1|Consumer), data=ham)

## calculate least squares means for interaction Gender:Information
difflsmeans(m1, test.effs="Gender:Information")

m <- lmer(Coloursaturation ~ TVset*Picture + (1|Assessor), data=TVbo)
plot(difflsmeans(m, test.effs="TVset"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab