fabricatr (version 0.2.0)

draw_binomial: Draw discrete variables including binary, binomial count, poisson count, ordered, and categorical


Drawing discrete data based on probabilities or latent traits is a common task that can be cumbersome. Each function in our discrete drawing set creates a different type of discrete data: draw_binary creates binary 0/1 data, draw_binomial creates binomial data (repeated trial binary data), draw_categorical creates categorical data, draw_ordered transforms latent data into observed ordered categories, draw_count creates count data (poisson-distributed). draw_likert is an alias to draw_ordered that pre-specifies break labels and offers default breaks appropriate for a likert survey question.


draw_binomial(prob, trials = 1, N = length(prob), link = "identity")

draw_categorical(prob, N = NULL, link = "identity")

draw_ordered(x, breaks = c(-1, 0, 1), break_labels = NULL, N = length(x), link = "identity")

draw_count(mean, N = length(mean), link = "identity")

draw_binary(prob, N = length(prob), link = "identity")

draw_likert(x, type = 7, breaks = NULL, N = length(x), link = "identity")



A number or vector of numbers representing the probability for binary or binomial outcomes; or a number, vector, or matrix of numbers representing probabilities for categorical outcomes. If you supply a link function, these underlying probabilities will be transformed.


for `draw_binomial`, the number of trials for each observation


number of units to draw. Defaults to the length of the vector of probabilities or latent data you provided.


link function between the latent variable and the probability of a postiive outcome, e.g. "logit", "probit", or "identity". For the "identity" link, the latent variable must be a probability.


for `draw_ordered` or `draw_likert`, the latent data for each observation.


vector of breaks to cut a latent outcome into ordered categories with `draw_ordered` or `draw_likert`


vector of labels for the breaks to cut a latent outcome into ordered categories with `draw_ordered`.


for `draw_count`, the mean number of count units for each observation


Type of Likert scale data for `draw_likert`. Valid options are 4, 5, and 7. Type corresponds to the number of categories in the Likert scale.


For variables with intra-cluster correlations, see draw_binary_icc and draw_normal_icc


Run this code
# Drawing binary values (success or failure, treatment assignment)
fabricate(N = 3,
   p = c(0, .5, 1),
   binary = draw_binary(prob = p))

# Drawing binary values with probit link (transforming continuous data
# into a probability range).
fabricate(N = 3,
   x = 10 * rnorm(N),
   binary = draw_binary(prob = x, link = "probit"))

# Repeated trials: `draw_binomial`
fabricate(N = 3,
   p = c(0, .5, 1),
   binomial = draw_binomial(prob = p, trials = 10))

# Ordered data: transforming latent data into observed, ordinal data.
# useful for survey responses.
fabricate(N = 3,
   x = 5 * rnorm(N),
   ordered = draw_ordered(x = x,
                          breaks = c(-Inf, -1, 1, Inf)))

# Providing break labels for latent data.
fabricate(N = 3,
   x = 5 * rnorm(N),
   ordered = draw_ordered(x = x,
                          breaks = c(-Inf, -1, 1, Inf),
                          break_labels = c("Not at all concerned",
                                           "Somewhat concerned",
                                           "Very concerned")))

# Likert data: often used for survey data
fabricate(N = 10,
          support_free_college = draw_likert(x = rnorm(N),
                                             type = 5))

# Count data: useful for rates of occurrences over time.
fabricate(N = 5,
   x = c(0, 5, 25, 50, 100),
   theft_rate = draw_count(mean=x))

# Categorical data: useful for demographic data.
fabricate(N = 6, p1 = runif(N), p2 = runif(N), p3 = runif(N),
          cat = draw_categorical(cbind(p1, p2, p3)))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab