CIDnetworks (version 0.8.1)

CIDnetworks-classes: Classes of CIDnetwork subcomponents


Each of the reference classes used as components in the CIDnetworks methodology.


BETA(...) EdgeCOV (..., cov.type="Edge") SenderCOV (...) ReceiverCOV (...) SendRecCOV (...) IdenticalCOV (...) HBM (...) LSM (...) LVM (...) MMSBM (...) SBM (...) SR (...)


Arguments passed to the respective classes.
Specifies the type of covariate effect. Edge specifies Edge-level covariate effects.


Each expression yields a Reference Class object for the respective submodel. If generate=TRUE, it will produce an outcome value for that class depending on its specific properties.


Each of these functions can serve as a subcomponent in the main CIDnetwork class object. Information on the nodes, edge list, and so forth will be passed automatically by any routine creating a CID object. Options are generally provided by default. Arguments for each class:

BETA: required: (nothing). Parameters: EdgeCOV: required: covariates (matrix). Parameters: Corresponding coefficient vector coef.cov.

SenderCOV: required: covariates (vector of length n.nodes). Parameters: Corresponding coefficient vector coef.cov.

ReceiverCOV: required: covariates (vector of length n.nodes). Parameters: Corresponding coefficient vector coef.cov.

SendRecCOV: required: covariates (vector of length n.nodes). Parameters: Corresponding coefficient vector coef.cov.

IdenticalCOV: required: covariates (vector of length n.nodes). Parameters: Corresponding coefficient vector coef.cov.

HBM: required: n.groups (single value). Parameters: block.value, membership (for nodes to blocks), tree.parent (for blocks).

LSM: required: dimension (single value). Parameters:

LVM: required: dimension (single value). Parameters:

MMSBM: required: n.groups (single value). Parameters: b.vector, membership.edge, membership.node.

SBM: required: n.groups (single value). Parameters: b.vector, membership.

SR: required: (nothing). Parameters: