scape (version 2.2-0)

estSigmaR: Estimate Recruitment Sigma


Estimate sigma R (recruitment variability), based on the empirical standard deviation of recruitment deviates in log space.


estSigmaR(model, digits=2)


fitted scape model containing element Dev.
number of decimal places to use when rounding, or NULL to suppress rounding.


Vector of two numbers, estimating recruitment variability based on (1) the estimated age composition in the first year, and (2) subsequent annual recruitment.

See Also

getN, getSigmaI, getSigmaR, estN, estSigmaI, and estSigmaR extract and estimate sample sizes and sigmas.

iterate combines all the get* and est* functions in one call.

plotN and plotB(..., what="s") show what is behind the sigma R estimation.

scape-package gives an overview of the package.


Run this code
getSigmaR(x.cod)  # sigmaR used in assessment 0.5 and 1.0
estSigmaR(x.cod)  # model estimates imply 0.20 and 0.52

getSigmaR(x.ling)  # 0.6, deterministic age distribution in first year
estSigmaR(x.ling)  # model estimates imply 0.36

estSigmaR(x.sbw)  # large deviates in first year
plotN(x.sbw)      # enormous plus group and 1991 cohort

# x.oreo assessment had deterministic recruitment, so no deviates

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