edge (version 2.4.2)

estimateCommonDisp: Estimate Common Negative Binomial Dispersion by Conditional Maximum Likelihood


Maximizes the negative binomial conditional common likelihood to estimate a common dispersion value across all genes.


## S3 method for class 'DGEList':
estimateCommonDisp(y, tol=1e-06, rowsum.filter=5, verbose=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'default':
estimateCommonDisp(y, group=NULL, lib.size=NULL, tol=1e-06, 
          rowsum.filter=5, verbose=FALSE, ...)


matrix of counts or a DGEList object.
the desired accuracy, passed to optimize.
genes with total count (across all samples) below this value will be filtered out before estimating the dispersion.
logical, if TRUE then the estimated dispersion and BCV will be printed to standard output.
vector or factor giving the experimental group/condition for each library.
numeric vector giving the total count (sequence depth) for each library.
other arguments that are not currently used.


  • estimateCommonDisp.DGEList adds the following components to the input DGEList object:
  • common.dispersionestimate of the common dispersion.
  • pseudo.countsnumeric matrix of pseudo-counts.
  • pseudo.lib.sizethe common library size to which the pseudo-counts have been adjusted.
  • AveLogCPMnumeric vector giving log2(AveCPM) for each row of y.
  • estimateCommonDisp.default returns a numeric scalar of the common dispersion estimate.


Implements the conditional maximum likelihood (CML) method proposed by Robinson and Smyth (2008) for estimating a common dispersion parameter. This method proves to be accurate and nearly unbiased even for small counts and small numbers of replicates.

The CML method involves computing a matrix of quantile-quantile normalized counts, called pseudo-counts. The pseudo-counts are adjusted in such a way that the library sizes are equal for all samples, while preserving differences between groups and variability within each group. The pseudo-counts are included in the output of the function, but are intended mainly for internal edgeR use.


Robinson MD and Smyth GK (2008). Small-sample estimation of negative binomial dispersion, with applications to SAGE data. Biostatistics, 9, 321-332. http://biostatistics.oxfordjournals.org/content/9/2/321

See Also

equalizeLibSizes, estimateTrendedDisp, estimateTagwiseDisp


Run this code
# True dispersion is 1/5=0.2
y <- matrix(rnbinom(250*4,mu=20,size=5),nrow=250,ncol=4)
dge <- DGEList(counts=y,group=c(1,1,2,2))
dge <- estimateCommonDisp(dge, verbose=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab