forcats (version 0.2.0)

fct_lump: Lump together least/most common factor levels into "other"


Lump together least/most common factor levels into "other"


fct_lump(f, n, prop, other_level = "Other", ties.method = c("min", "average", "first", "last", "random", "max"))


A factor.
n, prop
If both n and prop are missing, fct_lump lumps together the least frequent levels into "other", while ensuring that "other" is still the smallest level. It's particularly useful in conjunction with fct_inorder().

Positive n preserves the most common n values. Negative n preserves the least common -n values. It there are ties, you will get at least abs(n) values.

Positive prop, preserves values that appear at least prop of the time. Negative prop, preserves values that appear at most -prop of the time.

Value of level used for "other" values. Always placed at end of levels.
A character string specifying how ties are treated. See rank() for details

See Also

fct_other() to convert specified levels to other.


Run this code
x <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:9], times = c(40, 10, 5, 27, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)))
x %>% table()
x %>% fct_lump() %>% table()
x %>% fct_lump() %>% fct_inorder() %>% table()

x <- factor(letters[rpois(100, 5)])

# Use positive values to collapse the rarest
fct_lump(x, n = 3)
fct_lump(x, prop = 0.1)

# Use negative values to collapse the most common
fct_lump(x, n = -3)
fct_lump(x, prop = -0.1)

# Use ties.method to control how tied factors are collapsed
fct_lump(x, n = 6)
fct_lump(x, n = 6, ties.method = "max")

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