taxa (version 0.3.3)

filter_obs: Filter observations with a list of conditions


Filter data in a taxmap() object (in obj$data) with a set of conditions. See dplyr::filter() for the inspiration for this function and more information. Calling the function using the obj$filter_obs(...) style edits "obj" in place, unlike most R functions. However, calling the function using the filter_obs(obj, ...) imitates R's traditional copy-on-modify semantics, so "obj" would not be changed; instead a changed version would be returned, like most R functions.

obj$filter_obs(data, ..., drop_taxa = FALSE, drop_obs = TRUE,
               subtaxa = FALSE, supertaxa = TRUE, reassign_obs = FALSE)
filter_obs(obj, data, ..., drop_taxa = FALSE, drop_obs = TRUE,
           subtaxa = FALSE, supertaxa = TRUE, reassign_obs = FALSE)



An object of type taxmap()


Dataset names, indexes, or a logical vector that indicates which datasets in obj$data to filter. If multiple datasets are filterd at once, then they must be the same length.


One or more filtering conditions. Any variable name that appears in all_names() can be used as if it was a vector on its own. Each filtering condition can be one of two things:

  • integer: One or more dataset indexes.

  • logical: A TRUE/FALSE vector of length equal to the number of items in the dataset.


(logical of length 1) If FALSE, preserve taxa even if all of their observations are filtered out. If TRUE, remove taxa for which all observations were filtered out. Note that only taxa that are unobserved due to this filtering will be removed; there might be other taxa without observations to begin with that will not be removed.


(logical) This only has an effect when drop_taxa is TRUE. When TRUE, observations for other data sets (i.e. not data) assigned to taxa that are removed when filtering data are also removed. Otherwise, only data for taxa that are not present in all other data sets will be removed. This option can be either simply TRUE/FALSE, meaning that all data sets will be treated the same, or a logical vector can be supplied with names corresponding one or more data sets in obj$data. For example, c(abundance = TRUE, stats = FALSE) would remove observations in obj$data$abundance, but not in obj$data$stats.


(logical or numeric of length 1) This only has an effect when drop_taxa is TRUE. If TRUE, include subtaxa of taxa passing the filter. Positive numbers indicate the number of ranks below the target taxa to return. 0 is equivalent to FALSE. Negative numbers are equivalent to TRUE.


(logical or numeric of length 1) This only has an effect when drop_taxa is TRUE. If TRUE, include supertaxa of taxa passing the filter. Positive numbers indicate the number of ranks above the target taxa to return. 0 is equivalent to FALSE. Negative numbers are equivalent to TRUE.


(logical) This only has an effect when drop_taxa is TRUE. If TRUE, observations assigned to removed taxa will be reassigned to the closest supertaxon that passed the filter. If there are no supertaxa of such an observation that passed the filter, they will be filtered out if drop_obs is TRUE. This option can be either simply TRUE/FALSE, meaning that all data sets will be treated the same, or a logical vector can be supplied with names corresponding one or more data sets in obj$data. For example, c(abundance = TRUE, stats = FALSE) would reassign observations in obj$data$abundance, but not in obj$data$stats.


DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.


An object of type taxmap()

See Also

Other taxmap manipulation functions: arrange_obs(), arrange_taxa(), filter_taxa(), mutate_obs(), sample_frac_obs(), sample_frac_taxa(), sample_n_obs(), sample_n_taxa(), select_obs(), transmute_obs()


Run this code
# Filter by row index
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", 1:2)

# Filter by TRUE/FALSE
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", dangerous == FALSE)
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", dangerous == FALSE, n_legs > 0)
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", n_legs == 2)

# Remove taxa whose obserservations were filtered out
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", n_legs == 2, drop_taxa = TRUE)

# Preserve other data sets while removing taxa
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", n_legs == 2, drop_taxa = TRUE,
           drop_obs = c(abund = FALSE))

# When filtering taxa, do not return supertaxa of taxa that are preserved
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, "info", n_legs == 2, drop_taxa = TRUE,
           supertaxa = FALSE)

# Filter multiple datasets at once
filter_obs(ex_taxmap, c("info", "phylopic_ids", "foods"), n_legs == 2)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab