SimMultiCorrData (version 0.2.2)

fleish_Hessian: Fleishman's Third-Order Transformation Hessian Calculation for Lower Boundary of Standardized Kurtosis in Asymmetric Distributions


This function gives the second-order conditions necessary to verify that a kurtosis is a global minimum. A kurtosis solution from fleish_skurt_check is a global minimum if and only if the determinant of the bordered Hessian, \(H\), is less than zero (see Headrick & Sawilowsky, 2002, 10.3102/10769986025004417), where $$|\bar{H}| = matrix(c(0, dg(c1, c3)/dc1, dg(c1, c3)/dc3,$$ $$dg(c1, c3)/dc1, d^2 F(c1, c3, \lambda)/dc1^2, d^2 F(c1, c3, \lambda)/(dc3 dc1),$$ $$dg(c1, c3)/dc3, d^2 F(c1, c3, \lambda)/(dc1 dc3), d^2 F(c1, c3, \lambda)/dc3^2), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)$$ Here, \(F(c1, c3, \lambda) = f(c1, c3) + \lambda * [\gamma_{1} - g(c1, c3)]\) is the Fleishman Transformation Lagrangean expression (see fleish_skurt_check). Headrick & Sawilowsky (2002) gave equations for the second-order derivatives \(d^2 F/dc1^2\), \(d^2 F/dc3^2\), and \(d^2 F/(dc1 dc3)\). These were verified and \(dg/dc1\) and \(dg/dc3\) were calculated using D (see deriv). This function would not ordinarily be called by the user.





a vector of constants c1, c3, lambda


A list with components:

Hessian the Hessian matrix H

H_det the determinant of H


Please see references for fleish_skurt_check.

See Also

fleish_skurt_check, calc_lower_skurt