fredr (version 1.0.0)

fredr_category_related_tags: Get the related FRED tags within a category


Get the related FRED tags for one or more FRED tags within a category. Optionally, filter results by tag group or search. FRED tags are attributes assigned to series. Related FRED tags are the tags assigned to series that match all tags in the tag_names parameter, no tags in the exclude_tag_names parameter, and the category set by the category_id parameter. Series are assigned tags and categories. Indirectly through series, it is possible to get the tags for a category. No tags exist for a category that does not have series.


fredr_category_related_tags(category_id = 0L, tag_names = NULL,
  exclude_tag_names = NULL, tag_group_id = NULL, search_text = NULL,
  limit = NULL, offset = NULL, order_by = NULL, sort_order = NULL,
  realtime_start = NULL, realtime_end = NULL)



An integer ID for the category. Default is 0 for the root category. Required parameter.


A string indicating which series tags to match. Multiple tags can be delimited by a semicolon in a single string (e.g. `"usa;gnp"``). Required parameter.


A string indicating which series tags should not be matched. Multiple tags can be delimited by a semicolon in a single string (e.g. `"usa;gnp"``).


A string representing the tag group id to filter tags by type. No filtering by default. Possible values include:

  • "freq" - Frequency

  • "gen" - General or Concept

  • "geo" - Geography

  • "geot" - Geography Type

  • "rls" - Release

  • "seas" - Seasonal Adjustment

  • "src" - Source


A string to match text of tags. No matching by default.


An positive integer indicating maximum number of results to return. Possible values are any integer between 1 and 1000 (default), inclusive.


An non-negative integer used in conjunction with limit for long series. This mimics the idea of pagination to retrieve large amounts of data over multiple calls. Defaults to 0.


Order results by values of the specified attribute. Possible values include: "series_count" (default), "popularity"``,"created","name","group_id"`.


A string representing the order of the resulting series. Possible values are: "asc" (default), and "desc".


A Date indicating the start of the real-time period. Defaults to today's date. For more information, see Real-Time Periods.


A Date indicating the end of the real-time period. Defaults to today's date. For more information, see Real-Time Periods.


A tibble object information on related tags matching the request. Data include tag name, group ID, popularity, series count, tag creation date, and additional notes.

See Also

fredr_category(), fredr_category_children(), fredr_category_related(), fredr_category_series(), fredr_category_tags()


Run this code
# First, get the tags for the "Production & Business Activity" category
# Then, get the tags related to "business" and "monthly" for the
# "Production & Business Activity" category
fredr_category_related_tags(category_id = 1L, tag_names = "business;monthly")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab