dismo (version 0.5-14)

Geographic Distance: Geographic distance model


The geographic distance model is a null model. It predicts that the likelyhood of presence is highest near places where a species has been observed.


geoDist(p, ...)


point locations (presence). Two column matrix, data.frame or SpatialPoints* object
Additional arguments. You must supply a lonlat= argument (logical), unless p is a SpatialPoints* object. You can also supply an additional argument 'a' for absence points (currently ignored). Argument 'a' should be of the same class as argument 'p'


  • An object of class 'GeographicDistance'

See Also

predict, maxent, domain, mahal


Run this code
r <- raster(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
#presence data
pts <- matrix(c(17, 42, 85, 70, 19, 53, 26, 84, 84, 46, 48, 85, 4, 95, 48, 54, 66, 74, 50, 48, 28, 73, 38, 56, 43, 29, 63, 22, 46, 45, 7, 60, 46, 34, 14, 51, 70, 31, 39, 26), ncol=2)
train <- pts[1:12, ]
test <- pts[13:20, ]
gd <- geoDist(train, lonlat=FALSE)
predict(gd, test)

p = predict(gd, r, progress='')
points(test, col='black', pch=20, cex=2)
points(train, col='red', pch=20, cex=2)

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