geo (version 1.4-3)

geolines: Add lines to current plot initialized by geoplot.


Add lines to a plot initialized by geoplot. Data is stored as lat, lon or x,y. Lists are assumed to have the components $x and $y if projection in geoplot was "none", else $lat,$lon. The program transforms the data as specified in geoplot. Similar to the Splus function lies.


geolines(lat, lon = 0, col = 1, lwd = 0, lty = 0, nx = 1, outside = FALSE, = FALSE)


Latitude of data. ( or x coordinate)
Longitude of data. ( or y coordinate) Negative values mean western longitudes. Default value is zero. If lon is zero then the data is stored as lat$lat and lat$lon. (or lat$x and lat$y)
Colour number used for plotting the lines, default value is 1.
Line width. Default is to use the width set when the program was called.
Line type. Default is to use the width set when the program was called. See Splus manuals for numbers corresponding to different linetypes and linewidths.
Parameter only used with Lambert transform when lines in lat,lon are curves in x,y. If nx > 1, nx-1 points are put between each two datapoints in lat, lon before projection is done. For example:

geolines(c(66, 66), c(-30, -10), nx = 50)

plots a line onto the 66 degree latitude from -30 to -10. The line is curved because it is made of 50 segments.

Logical, should lines outside the plot region be drawn? Default FALSE.
Logical, should the data be returned? Default FALSE.


No values returned.

Side Effects

The projection is stored in geopar\$projection and parameters for the transform in geopar$b0, geopar$b1 and geopar$l1.

See Also

geoplot, geopolygon, geopoints, geotext, geosymbols, geocontour.fill, geogrid, geocontour.


Run this code
geolines(island)                      # plot iceland.
       geolines(island$lat, island$lon, col = 1) # same.


       geoplot(xlim=c(0, -50), ylim=c(60, 75), projection = "Lambert")
       # Set up a Lambert plot.

       geolines(c(66, 66), c(-30, -10), nx = 50, col = 155, lwd = 2)
       # Draw a line with colour 155 and width 2.

       geolines(island, col = 3, lwd = 3)
       geolines(eyjar, col = 40)
       geolines(faeroes, col = 40)
       geolines(greenland, col = 3, lwd = 3)
#       geolines(janmayen, col = 40)
       # Plot some more countries using geolines.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab